Donna L. Lewis

WIFE & MOTHER: Married over 16 wonderful years to artist, Jade Lewis. Mother to three creative adult children. Fur-Mama to two rambunctious dogs and one sassy cat.

LIFE TIME ROCKER: A passionate singer, songwriter, Donna served as lead vocal
to now retired Christian rock band PureFusion. From 2012 – 2015 they recorded two CD’s and ministered the Gospel through thundering anthems at churches, prisons, recovery ministries and special events.

PASSIONATE WORSHIPER: As a worship leader, Donna’s focus is to set an atmosphere where people connect to Christ with intimacy and power. Be it a church service, retreat or special event, the focus is always the same, exalting
the name of Jesus in a spirit of excellence and authenticity.

MENTOR: Mentoring is a life calling. For more than 10 years Donna was a private music instructor, but so often, these music lessons became a catalyst for life lessons as students shared their dreams, struggles and pain with her.

AUTHOR: May 6, 2019 Donna published her first book, an emotional abuse recovery devotional titled, Toxic to Transformed 100 Words of Life to Renew the Mind. Raised in a home where verbal and emotional battery ran amuck, followed by
over a decade in an emotionally abusive marriage, Donna has intimate experience with the mental prison of Complex Post Traumatic Stress syndrome. She understands what happens to a person’s capacity to see themselves as
valuable, beautiful creations of God designed with purpose and capability. She has experienced the sudden and debilitating effects of panic attacks and done battle with depression and anxiety. Even more so, she has experienced the
power of God’s immutable Word to transform and renew her war-torn mind. She has experienced His overwhelming love and acceptance and seen His hope filled dreams for her future. It is out of this personal experience she penned 100 words of life to destroy the
toxic lies of verbal and emotional abuse. She encourages the reader to personalize these truths through creative journaling exercises and hear for themselves the kind and nurturing voice of their Creator.

AVID MOTORCYCLIST: In her spare time, Donna is a massive motorcycle enthusiast! On any sunny Tennessee day, it would not be surprising to find her touring the Smokey Mountain back roads on her Indian Scout 60!

Breathe Life Ministries exists to provide worship and words of life that renew and transform hurting hearts. This is accomplished through written word, spoken word and healing worship.
“Monday Morning Live” is a Facebook Live event where Donna Lewis hosts a 20- minute discussion surrounding a thought-provoking question of the day such as, “What impossible thing are you believing God for?” @BreatheLifeMinistries is the
Facebook page where you can participate every Monday at 10 AM Eastern. On the Breathe Life web page Donna shares her music and monthly blog posts as well as up-coming events and book tours.
This is the landing page for Donna’s book, Toxic to Transformed 100 Words of Life to Renew the Mind. On it, you will find all sorts of wonderful resources, news and samples of this life changing devotional. There are helpful bible study tools to dig deep in God’s Word. Healing resources
with great Youtube channels and a Crisis Hot Line. You can also interact with Donna through an exclusive Facebook group. This group is for those wanting to work through the devotional together, share thoughts, encouragement and prayer.


Donna Lewis resides in Athens, TN
Mailing address provided upon request.


423) 920-5414
