30 Days of Gratitude
Acts 12:5a, ‘The church went into a season of intense intercession (TPT).’
Day 15 * Just Grateful: Warmly or deeply appreciative of kindnesses or benefits received; indebted and beholden

Lord, I watch the polls and the numbers and the newsreels (news-reals) tick off the statistics. There is so much information at my fingertips; I can’t think for myself. I can’t process it fast enough; the statistics change momentarily. One advisor says think this way; another says this is the way to view this. I fear I am being told lies while truths are being spoken into me from You also, and honestly, Satan has become such a good pseudo-Christ, I don’t know what is the truth and what is a lie, at first glance. Lord, You said, know Your word, know You, know the sound of Your voice and I am doing a late-night exam-cram…I’m sorry! I want to know the right Words and voice to hear. I want to make sure I am counted for You, that my gratitude for Your choosing me and securing me doesn’t get blended with all other voices. I am Your church, and if I worship alone, I worship alone to You. If I praise alone, I praise alone to You. No matter what, God, You have built Yourself, Your church, within the circumference of these walls in me, and no storm can take us out. God, we won’t be able to make it without You, but You are where we are, where I am. I am good, here now, in this place with You. Matthew 16:18, ‘And now I am going to tell you who you are, really are. You are Peter, a rock. This is the rock on which I will put together my church, a church so expansive with energy that not even the gates of hell will be able to keep it out (MSG).’