30 Days in the WordMichelle Gott Kim

30 Days with The Word – January 7

30 Days with THE WORD
January 7, 2021

John 1:1-2, ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God. He (the Word) was in the beginning with God (NKJV).’

Sister, what if you were messaged that you harbored the most priceless possession known to man likely someplace in your home? You would frantically ping back…where? how? And unfortunately, for many of us, when we received a ping back, ‘Uh, duh! The Bible! You should have one on your shelf someplace or in your bedside table, courtesy The Gideons or your grandmother!’ chances are the excitement that coursed through our veins momentarily would diminish and fade and our search through our home for hidden treasure would cease.
When my children were little (before they got their voices to speak for themselves, and then once again, when they became teenagers and they no longer wanted to speak), I recall wishing I had an instruction manual. The ‘Troubleshooting’ section I thought would aid me a lot. Even in life, Google has become a nifty tool right at our fingertips everyday that we can consult for multi-purpose education and instruction. Alexa and Siri are two of the smartest women I know and they even respond promptly!
But the Word says in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, ‘Every Scripture has been inspired by the Holy Spirit, the breath of God. It will empower you by its instruction and correction, giving you the strength to take the right direction and lead you even deeper into the path of godliness. Then you will be God’s servant, fully mature and perfectly prepared to fulfill any assignment God gives you (TPT).’ There is not enough knowledge in this world that can outsmart or out-teach the Word of God. To me it is uncomplicated truth, that we as human beings, created in Christ’s image to do His will, we take God at His Word. He has breathed His instructions for His children on every page in His ‘manual’ for us for our consultation and guidance and provision. He has even written it on the tablets of our hearts so that when you and I run into situations which unnerve us, His instruction takes over with an instinct that was pre-registered in our being before we even took a breath.
I encourage you, the next time you have an internal need you are unsure of how to assuage, try seeking guidance from the Word. It might not be able to tell you the current temperature or what tomorrow’s weather might forecast, but I guarantee you, the Word will encourage you with promise and hope on how to face the storm you are in or have just been through or the one that is on its way.