BE-GRATITUDESDaily DiscernMichelle Gott Kim

BE-Gratitudes: 30 Days of Positive Attitudes – CONTENTED

November 30th, 2021


Psalm 131, ‘Lord, my heart is meek before you.
    I don’t consider myself better than others.
    I’m content to not pursue matters that are over my head—
    such as your complex mysteries and wonders—
    that I’m not yet ready to understand.
  I am humbled and quieted in your presence.
    Like a contented child who rests on its mother’s lap,
    I’m your resting child and my soul is content in you.
  O people of God, your time has come to quietly trust,
    waiting upon the Lord now and forever.’ (TPT)

I have wandered all my life—until several years ago when the Lord’s relentless pursuit of me finally caught up to my wanderlust, when I finally wore out. I had searched for contentment in every bottle and jug and person I came into contact with, in every place I ever traversed. I knew someday I just had to land in the right location at the right moment with the right people and the right distractions.

But contentment isn’t sold in a bottle nor found in a person or hidden in a spot. Discontent is, but not contentment. Contentment is found in the person of Jesus Christ, as He is the only One Who can satisfy every longing, meet every need, fill every hollow, tend to every inclination, repair every broken piece, restore every blemished fragment, heal every hurt, feed every hunger, return everything that was stolen.

We are so accustomed to being continually fed, no wonder we are an obese people. We have to have everything right at our fingertips; our desires constantly needing stoked like embers in a fire. I learned as I searched the world over for something to fill my soul that satisfaction seems best found in the poor and humble and lowly in spirit. When you have little, you expect so much less, and gratitude is like a gift we can give others for free. I felt like I was holding my breath, a gasp just a whisper away, wondering, wandering, pregnant with restlessness and regret.

Jesus, You rescued me in such a powerful way. Like Lazarus, dead and smelling, bound by grave clothes, until You called me out of a tomb of defeat and discontent. You raised me from death to life, brought me away from the restless desire and craving for something I never could find nor was ever meant to possess. The comfort You are instilling in me is so very fulfilling, and because of You, I have traded my waywardness for Your peace.

Are you content? What makes you feel fulfilled? If, at the end of each day, you eat but continually find yourself starving and empty, clothed yet cold, in need of more and lacking in spite of all you possess, try Jesus. He is the antidote you are dying without.