Daily DiscernMichelle Gott Kimshamed

shamed: the Promise of Paradise

‘For here is the way God so loved the world—He gave His only unique Son as a gift.’ (John 3:16a, TPT)

April 15th, 2022

FOOL-ish, i.e. lacking judgement or sense; ill-considered; unwise; preposterous; thoughtless; reckless; absurd; idiotic.

1 Corinthians 1:18: For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God.’ (NKJV)

So many arbitrary sounds clashed the day Jesus was crucified.

Onlookers jeered, ‘If you’re truly the Son of God, get yourself down from there!’. Centurions and guards and soldiers jested. ‘King of the Jews’, they taunted.  To those who Jesus was beloved, the quietness of weeping soaked through the atmospheric pressure hanging heavy in the air. Even the sound of dirt blowing in the wind clogged the ears of throngs of people who had shown up to witness the show.

Cries of utter pain grew stronger as our Savior grew weaker. Steel upon steel hammered square pegs through brittle bone. Women wailed, their sorrow palpable, as thick as the men’s ridicule. A gasp followed by an ache of agony became swallowed by a lack of humanity as men cheered, begging for more massacre, the macabre scene sprawling in front of mankind, the mankind He came to save, for whom He suffered. It was the same mankind, the very ones who were screaming for His mutilation. Suddenly, the thud of the cross’ wooden base being dropped into its expectant hole resounded like a gavel the God of the Universe should have used to judge me guilty. But He didn’t. Because He sent His Only Son to take my place, to bear my shame, to pay my price. That’s why the rap of the Judge’s mallet on a court podium being smacked by a holy God is never heard on that day or on any other. Because His Son, His only unique Son, Jesus, stood for me. He willingly died for me.

At once, a hush is heard, silencing all the snide remarks and bully’s brays. They pause, acutely aware of what Jesus will say. They scoff at Him to save Himself, but instead, He offers salvation for them, for me. Words fall from Jesus’ mouth, “Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do.”

Just then, one of the criminals He is sandwiched between, mocks Him, ‘Who are you? If you’re God, save yourself; save us.’ He will die the same hideous death, but he will enter a different eternity, a hideous eternity as well as the hideous life he lived, separated from the Savior and His sacrifice. However, on Jesus’ other side, another criminal’s future hangs in the balance. He rebukes his fellow criminal, admitting his wrongdoing, and then cries, ‘Jesus, remember me when You come into Your Kingdom.’ With Grace only given by a holy God, Jesus replies, “Tonight you will be with me in Paradise.”

What a prophetic reminder that forgiveness can occur at any moment if we but seek, ask and believe. Forgiveness and life everlasting can begin right now for anyone who will just say to Jesus, ‘I am sinful, and I have sinned, and I have tried to save myself, but I cannot. Please save me and wipe the stain of sin from me and make me clean.’

I am reminded of the noisy clamor that mingled with the weeping and the remorseful pleas of a sinner in need of Grace—none of it was too deafening for a holy God to be unable to hear as He hung dying feet away from someone crying out for forgiveness. If Jesus can save a criminal while being crucified near him, then He can hear you and me cry out to Him for help as He dwells within us. He is just that…near. Always.

Suddenly, sheer darkness ate up the noonday sun, and not only did the world grow dark, but so did mankind as we wrestled with our shame, our fool-ishness, as Jesus took it from us and placed it on Himself. Jesus called out, “My God! My God! Why have You forgotten Me?” and a sound like a crack of lightening echoed and the thick veil in the Temple was ripped in half. Again, Jesus cried out, “Father, into Your hands I commit My Spirit.” And He breathed His last. You and I will never be forgotten because He was forgotten instead of us.

So many arbitrary sounds clashed the day Jesus was crucified. From the plight of prison to the Promise of Paradise, all in a single plea.

(Verses referenced from the Book of Luke primarily.)

John 3:16b, ‘SOW NOW: whoever believes in Him will never perish, but experience everlasting life.’ (TPT)