Daily DiscernMichelle Gott Kim

Fun in the Son…Freedom with Christ

So, if the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed. (John 8:36, NIV)

July 8th, 2022


We were just reminiscing about God’s daily provision for His children—you know, when He baked bread and handfed manna to the Israelites. Now, God didn’t do this just on special occasions, like a nice Birthday Brunch or for the Feast of Weeks called Shavuot or even Rosh Hashana to ring in the New Year. He did this daily for forty years. Yes, I mentioned, forty years! For forty years, God supplied the daily meal for His children right on time, never too early, never too late, but right on time. They didn’t have to go to a grocery store or make a meal or create a menu or plan ahead. They knew everyday their dietary needs would be met, without fail.

What is significant is not only the manna, the daily provision God provided for them to eat, but also the period of forty years. Let’s explore God’s patience which should have run out within about two weeks if God were like us. Not only did His grace not run dry, but He showered them with manna from heaven, daily, while they wandered in the wilderness.

These people were whiny and petulant. They were unhappy and insolent. Previously, they existed in Egyptian bondage from which God delivered them. He had promised their ancestry a land flowing with milk and honey, of which they were to take possession. However, their disobedience and disbelief led them into a new form of bondage, causing them to wander lost and complaining in a vast wasteland for forty years too long, long enough for one generation to die off, meaning that generation would never step into ownership of a promised land God intended for them to have. They would meander for decades on a journey that, had they trusted God and been obedient, would only have taken approximately eleven days.

See, they were certain the inhabitants already living in the land were barbarians who would kill them. Even though God had already delivered them and even though he was handfeeding them daily, they didn’t trust Him for their protection and provision. These were the same people whom God had paved a path through the Red Sea, with walls of water on either side, so they could cross over unharmed into safety; the same people who had looked over their shoulders and watched the same waters He had parted for them swallow their enemies alive. The same God Whom they chose not to trust and wait upon. Instead, they groped in the darkness, wandered in the wilderness, never seeing God’s promise fulfilled.

How many times do we struggle with a Word from God that requires our action, but we are too afraid of the unknown and an uncertain outcome, we never put boots to the ground? Instead, we remain in bondage, and we miss our calling and what He intended for us to possess. It is impossible for us to see what God sees, but if we truly trust Him, if we have witnessed His faithfulness before, if He has never failed us previously, why can’t we trust Him to do it again? I believe one of His greatest desires for His children is to see them walk in the freedom He has already given us. We can be set free, but unless we walk in the freedom He has given us, we too will merely wander in circles also, just like the Israelites.

Think on it: He is a loving God. Everything that touches you and me, comes through His hand. So, if He is loving and if everything that touches us comes through His hand, doesn’t that mean He allowed it for our good and He is fully in control of the outcome? We need to trust His lovingkindness no matter where it leads and what it brings, knowing that on the other side, we will see His face and understand His intent.

Lamentations 3:22-24, ‘God’s loyal love couldn’t have run out; His merciful love couldn’t have dried up. They’re created new every morning. How great is Your faithfulness! I’m sticking with God (I say it over and over). He’s all I’ve got left.’ (MSG)

Out of all the living things God made, He created mankind to BE. Whatever, whoever, you are, Beautiful You, BE the best version of you; BE the change this world needs; BE filled; BE free!