Daily DiscernMichelle Gott Kim


Falling in love with Jesus is not just a fling. It’s time to grow in Christ!

March 1st, 2023

What Did You Plant?

Isaiah 55:8-9, ‘”For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.”’ (NKJV)

No matter what it is, for something to mature, it must first grow. There will never be a human being who arrives on this planet already grown, at once an adult. Neither will there be an animal, a pet or otherwise, who comes into existence as anything other than a newborn. Plants and flowers begin as seeds before they develop and sprout. Even love and hate, victory and defeat, joy and fear, all grow from something which began as a seed, was fertilized by influences, and eventually matured into a bigger, more prominent element than it was when it began.

There is also another fact that won’t deviate, and that is, what is planted is what will grow. In other words, a human will birth a human albeit an infant human and each species will give birth to one of their species. We also cannot sow hatred and reap good tidings or plant an orange tree and have it pop out pears. What seed is planted will determine what comes up in your garden or orchard or forest. What is buried within us will be what comes out of us.

For this reason, it is so very important for us to plant the right things. If you or your family isn’t fond of turnips or radishes, you likely will not be planting row after row of turnip seeds or radish seed. You might plant a few seeds to derive a plant or two to give the produce to a neighbor or relative, but you won’t be taking up your plot of land with plants you don’t intend to relish. Instead you might find a lengthy column of carrots and several kinds of lettuce, and right there, to be seen and enjoyed by everyone, you might grow a gorgeous, cheerful and colorful flower garden. We traditionally plant what we wish to harvest.

So it is within. We really should spend our efforts, our hard-earned money and time, planting good things in life which are pleasant to harvest. If we plant seeds of animosity in the fertile plots of our relationships, we will nurture antagonism and enmity, yielding bitterness and malice and deceit. If we transplant in our relationships, exasperation and indignation, irritation and resentment will grow. But if we scatter seeds of kindness, forbearance will spring up, and for every fledgling of gentleness and tenderness we sow, what comes forth is clemency and grace, tolerance and understanding.

Isaiah 55:10-11, ‘”As the snow and rain that fall from heaven do not return until they have accomplished their purpose, soaking the earth and causing it to sprout with new life, providing seed to sow and bread to eat, so also will be the Word that I speak; it does not return to Me unfulfilled. My Word performs My purpose and fulfills the mission I sent it to accomplish.”’ (TPT)