Daily DiscernMichelle Gott Kim


Falling in love with Jesus is not just a fling. It’s time to grow in Christ!

March 20th, 2023


John 21:24-25, ‘I, John, am that disciple who has written these things to testify of the truth, and we know that what I’ve documented is accurate. Jesus did countless things that I haven’t included here. And if every one of His works were written down and described one by one, I suppose the world itself wouldn’t have enough room to contain the books that would have to be written!’ (TPT)

The love of God for mankind is so very complicated and yet so simplistic. Quite often it is left unreceived, unopened, unused, unaccepted. There are countless stories told of the wastefulness of having been gifted something. Instead of the recipient of the gift being overjoyed and somewhat perplexed by the present sitting before her, thereby ripping through the gorgeous ribbons and wrapping to see what awaits inside, she sets it aside, failing to open it and receive the generosity of the giver.

There is another example I heard used by a pastor, who described two gentlemen having gotten together for a meal, and when the meal is finished, one man insists upon getting the ticket and paying for their lunch, even though the other man is hesitant to allow the generosity. In short time, he goes up to the counter and pays the tab a second time, because he cannot accept that someone would pay a debt on his behalf.

We hold in our hearts the very essence of love, that God so loved the world, He gave. Not only did He give, but He gave the very best He had to give, and that was His Son Jesus. So many fail to recognize, and then receive, the gift of eternal life through accepting what Jesus did for mankind at the request of His Father. Whether we feel we are unworthy, which we all are blemished and stained, or we don’t think we need Jesus, or we know we can’t afford redemption so we simply refuse to accept Christ’s offer—whatever the reason, whoever chooses not to accept is greatly making a tremendous mistake, an eternal one. Or perhaps we accept His gift of everlasting love and life, but we continue in our same pursuit of happiness, returning frequently to clean up our messes and start again, instead of realizing Jesus paid the tab once and for all. We owe nothing; the debt has been covered. There are many who will receive the gift of God’s Son—His grace and forgiveness of sin—but then merely cease movement and growth in Christ, and therefore, never let themselves enjoy the gift they received and opened. Like having a fancy sportscar you never drive in the event of having a wreck or purchasing a beautiful home and furnishing it with the best of everything, but never inviting anyone over or allowing your family to live in it and enjoy it.

Whatever our choice may be—how we choose to handle the precious gift of forgiven life which God gave us through His Son—we simply can’t even scratch the surface to the depth of God’s love for us. It is unimaginable, unreconcilable, relentless and unnerving, beyond anything dreamed of or conceptualized, sufficient for life and godliness. At least let you and I be the ones who accept His gift, wrap around us His love and wear His grace. Let us sink into it like a hot sudsy bubble bath, delve into it like it is the most fascinating mystery we have ever been included in, grow in it like we are building for the future, train as if for a marathon. Let us not waste one bit of it, nor one minute, sharing the greatness of His love.

Isaiah 55:10-11, ‘”As the snow and rain that fall from heaven do not return until they have accomplished their purpose, soaking the earth and causing it to sprout with new life, providing seed to sow and bread to eat, so also will be the Word that I speak; it does not return to Me unfulfilled. My Word performs My purpose and fulfills the mission I sent it to accomplish.”’ (TPT)