Question of the Week??

Question of the Week: What is your favorite summertime memory?

Aimee Molien,
Leander, TX
Molien Ministries

My favorite summertime memory is going to the beach in Puerto Rico with my mom and my sisters. The sunshine, the salt smell, but the smell that is encrusted in my head is the smell of the BBQ charcoal. Everyone would bring a grill to the beach and cook everything from hot dogs to “arroz con gandules” (rice with pigeon peas). Every family would have a radio on and we would all dance and have so much fun. In Puerto Rico everyone is a friend. We love to have fun at the beach.

Renee Elisa Woskie,
Burnsville, MN
Revital U Brand Influencer

My favorite summertime memory is… going camping with my grandma and grandpa. It was a lot of fun. I was very young, like 5 yrs. old when I started camping with them.

Allie Nieto,
Carrollton, Texas

One of my favorite summertime memories is when I remember my parents taking my brother and I on our first trip for the summer out of the U.S to Romania. Everything was so new but best of all we got to witness the greatest part of humanity and the worst. We were taken to cities and saw how great civilization can be but we were also taken to the poorest villages where no one was paying attention to those in need and I remember my parents standing up and taking action and handing out to those in need. My favorite summertime memory became my greatest inspiration and motivation.

Sherry Marie Smith,
Muskogee, OK

In June of 2002 my son was five. During the winter we had discovered this cave in Major County, Oklahoma on a wildlife refuge. We lived in Enid at the time and we spent a lot of weekends driving out to the Gloss Mountains so Christopher (my son) could hike to the top and really feel like he achieved something. Then, we would go to the wildlife refuge and visit this cave. Hiking across the refuge it just looked like flat land until we would get right up to the cave then there was a shallow pit where the mouth of the cave was located. This isn’t a small cave. It takes 30 minutes to get through if we don’t get turned around at the halfway point, 45 minutes if we do. Hiking the cave in the winter was wonderful! But now it was summer. We walked into the cave’s big opening and a bat flew out! Then, another one. I told my son that we would have to leave and just wait until winter to come back again, because I was worried about getting a bat stuck in my hair, or getting scared and biting us in some of the smaller places in the cave. He said, “Mommy, God will protect us.” I obviously raised him right. But we still didn’t stay.

Tyla Beane,
Waco, TX

I was probably 8 years old. I remember it was hot outside in upstate New York. We had a bunch of friends over for my sister’s birthday. We spent most of the afternoon running around the yard in the sprinklers, ate homemade burgers my mom made for us, and then popsicles for dessert. At the end of the day as it was getting dark, we got to play hide and seek in the backyard behind the trees. It wasn’t an extravagant day, but it was one of those days I’ll remember forever because it was filled with friends, fun and laughter.

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