Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

Today’s Hope July 1

Oh my sweet LadyBugs, let me tell you a little story today. You see, not long ago I became so overwhelmingly aware of what God was calling me to do that I was driving myself a bit whacky thinking about whether or not I was hearing God correctly. I mean, goodness sake, life was about to change in a big way. I was praying and pleading with God for an answer. A definite answer. I couldn’t change my life on a “hunch.” I wanted to be so sure that I was hearing Him right, that I was about to miss the best thing in my life. But God! Oh, what a gracious and loving God He is to us even when we are so stubborn.

I didn’t think I was ever going to find peace. I was so busy trying to “hear” and “see” that I was right that it kept me in turmoil. Then the day came I had to put it out there. I had to make the choice to stand with God and His promises or stand in a place where I was comfortable. I couldn’t figure out what I was suppose to do. I was having a hard time deciding whether or not I was messing up or missing out. So, I just stopped. I took a deep breath and I told myself “No more.” I was done trying to figure out the right thing. I could no longer try to figure out the plan or how to make it work. I was emotionally and spiritually worn out. I just laid it down. I figuratively walked away from the decision and left it be. I decided to be content with how it was appearing to be. Needless to say, when I did, it wasn’t 10 minutes later God was giving me release.

You see LadyBug, we can’t accomplish God’s plans for our lives. We can’t figure out what He is going to do about the bills, food, or any thing else we need or desire. All we can do is walk in that plan that He shows us a little at a time. One step at a time, He leads us. It is such an easy walk when we are letting Him lead according to His plans.

~Cyndi Kay
Psalm 37:5
Proverbs 3:5
1 Corinthians 2:5
Matthew 19:26
Proverbs 16:3