Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

July 4, 2020

LadyBugs, do you remember the story of Jeremiah? Remember how he did not think he was ready to begin the call that God had placed in him before he was born. This was because Jeremiah understood that only God can place these calls on our lives. However, God lets Jeremiah know that he is ready and that God will be with him when he walks in obedience. God takes Jeremiah through a couple of instances so that Jeremiah understands the work placed in him by God.
God has given each of us a call. We were given this call while we were in the womb. Sometimes we are shown this call so we can get a hold of the power of God and the service He has blessed us with. Even though we may feel unworthy, God has already placed it and He will not remove it. It is through Him we become worthy. It is up to us whether or not we follow God in obedience and do as He has called. He gives us the knowledge and words we will need. And while we are walking in obedience, He is with us and will deliver us. It is not so much the call as it is the obedience. The call is God’s, the obedience falls on us.
LadyBug, we have all been there. We have all stood in a time when we didn’t think we were worthy. But I am here to let you know that you are worthy. I know this because I know God says we are worthy and valuable to Him.
Let us always be quick to follow obedience as we follow God’s call.
~Cyndi Kay
Jeremiah 1:4-19
Jeremiah 29:11
John 15:16
Ephesians 1:3-4