40 Days of Faith & FitnessFit for LifeHealthy LifestyleLisa Vasseur Jarvis

Day 27 – Fit For Life Challenge

It’s Day 27!

Hebrews 12:11-13,”No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Therefore strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees, and make straight paths for your feet, so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed.”

When I look at this passage and apply this principle to living a healthy lifestyle, it’s fitting. It’s not always easy to be disciplined and exercise and be careful to eat healthy every day. Training my body on a regular basis takes determination and dedication. It’s not easy. But the rewards of feeling great and energetic are so worth it! If you are just starting out in living a healthier life, that means you’re going to have to dig deep to commit to the training. It requires self-discipline and commitment. But it will pay off! Maybe you’ve been living a healthy lifestyle for many years, and sometimes you may get tired or even bored. Remember the benefits and keep pressing on!
Remember, that this is a journey and it’s not always easy. Life, in general, can be hard. But we know that there’s more to the here and now. We know we have a Savior that has made a path for us. He’s our example in all things! He’s is our strength when we are tired and weak. If you are feeling this way, I urge you to press on! Keep at it! It’s worth it!

Having the energy to really enjoy your life is WORTH IT!!
Being able to take a walk and not get out of breath is WORTH IT!!
Feeling clean and healthy is WORTH IT!
Honoring your body because it is a temple is WORTH IT!

Action Step 27👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
It’s time to get serious about being disciplined in living a healthy life! It
takes a plan! Fail to plan.. plan to fail! This afternoon plan at least four healthy meals for the upcoming week and make your grocery list for them. Plan your exercise for the week. Get a plan and stick to it! No excuses! IT WILL BE WORTH IT! ❤️