Just Be 30 Day ChallengeMichelle Gott Kim

Just Be 30-Day Challenge

Just BE Strong -Day 19

Webster says ‘Strong’ means mentally powerful or vigorous; especially able, competent, or powerful in a specific field or respect; of great moral power, firmness or courage

Synonyms: solid, capable, firm, steadfast, tenacious, effective, forceful, intense, secure

GOD says in Philippians 4:13 ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (NKJV).’
There are a multitude of meanings that prop up the word ‘strong’. In fact, it is such a strong word, it likely doesn’t need any propping at all. When we are little, we see the adults in our lives as giants even. Our daddies are stronger than anyone else we know. We hero-ize sports idols and our culture drives us toward muscular strength. There are even such things as strong smelling and strong character and strong desire.
So ‘strength’ sidles up and becomes the effectiveness of strong. Whether we have strength in our bodies, our principles or our minds, it becomes the quality of what we are acting upon. The strength of our character for instance means our character did some strong moral push-ups when approached with a questionable proposition. The strength of our belief held up under strong scrutiny. The strength of His grace was more powerful than the stronghold that bound us captive to what imprisoned us. The strength of His love was so strong that it reached down through the ages and stopped you and me dead in our tracks so we could know the profoundness of His nature.
I may not bench nor lift nor be capable of exerting what the world recognizes is strong. But I have a strong hope and trust in the One who gave His all to save me, and that strengthens me to view tomorrow through His lens, as an opportunity to do anything He asks of me. He also gives all the strength you and I need to carry what is required of us, but not a muscle more. See, there are certain things we were never meant to carry. And, at the end of the day, when He meets with me and meets with you, Sister, don’t forget that He says in Zephaniah 3:18, ‘I, your God, will get rid of them for you. You have carried those burdens long enough (MSG).’

Day 19 Challenge: List all the heavy burdens that you have been carrying and give them to God.