November 24, 2020
They were trying to trap him into saying something they could use against him, but Jesus stooped down and wrote in the dust with his finger. John 8:6 (NLT)
Oh that is just like Jesus to do His own thing!! He just acted like He did not hear their crazy accusations. He just wrote in the dirt! How often have you wondered what exactly He wrote? Did He write something that was meant for her or was it meant for them? Did it say, “forgiven?” Did it say, “who is perfect?” He knew what they were up to when they came at Him with their questions. He also knew what they would say when He asked if any of them were without sin.
Sometimes I wonder if He does the same thing with us when we come at Him with nonsense. You know those moments we are saying, “Lord, I am finding myself in a mess because of a decision I made without talking to you first, can you help me out here?” What about those times when He directs us and we go the other way only to find ourselves in the muck? There are even times we are sitting in judgement of others only to look in the mirror and be doing the same thing. Oh how He must stoop and write in the dirt when He has to give us time to get with the program.
LadyBug know that we all go through those moments and because He loves you, He will write in the dirt to defend you as well.
Let us be quick to stop judging and slow to walk away from the message He has written.
Much Love,
~Cyndi Kay