Arts & PoetryShawna Wright

All is Well

Eight years ago (in faith) we packed our cabinet shop equipment and what household belongings that would fit into our work truck and moved from Northern Canada to the United States where we purchased property and built a cabinet shop and a house.

In faith we had sold our home and made arrangements to purchase property that we had found on the internet.

A few days after seeing the property for the first time we met with the sellers in person. This was when we discovered that we would need to drill our own well, as the existing well was a shared well. This was an unexpected added expense.

That night, without mentioning it to the seller at all, we prayed that they would help pay for part of the well, as we had not included a well in our budget. We left the problem with God and went to sleep in peace.

The next morning I got a phone call from Martha, the land owner, just to say how happy she was that we wanted to buy their property and how much she already loved me. After the conversation I handed the phone to my husband and she to hers. My husband asked who drilled their well for them so we could get a cost estimate. This is what he told Troy.

“Martha and I were talking and we would like to help you guys out by paying for half the cost of the well.”

WOW! A direct answer to prayer!!

During our visit to the States before moving, we worked hard at getting estimates and all our paperwork in order. One of the things we discovered was that I needed to get an application for citizenship started. NOW to make a long story short we ended up having to hire a lawyer for $1000.00, also not in the budget! We also discovered that the bank wanted our building plans drawn by an actual architect. This was another $1000.00 not in the budget. $2000.00 not budgeted! Again we prayed and asked God to look after it.

The next step was to sign the papers on the property and put earnest money on it. Before leaving for the lawyers office we got a call from the sellers who said “We did a little something for you. You’ll see when you get there”.

When we went to sign the papers we discovered they had reduced the sale of the property by exactly $2000.00!!!!!

The next two years were met with many obstacles. Each problem we took to God in confidence knowing He had us covered.

I will watch over you and guide you in the way you should go”

Psalm 32:8