Love StoryMichelle Gott Kim

a Love Story – the Kiss – February 20

February 20, 2021

the Kiss

John 17:3-5, ‘”Eternal life means to know and experience You as the only true God, and to know and experience Jesus Christ, as the Son Whom You have sent. I have glorified You on the earth by faithfully doing everything You have told me to do. So, My Father, restore Me back to the glory that We shared together when We were face-to-face before the universe was created.”’ (TPT)

The only true God watched as His son spilt Himself on the ground, heard the anguish of His words. The Creator looked around the beauty of this garden, appreciating it as He had another garden in another lifetime, listening to the Truth speak. The Son had loved His creation as much as He did; in fact, He would love them to death. This people would never know the extent of love that was born for them, nor that would die for them, but it was an everlasting love.

Their feet had been washed; their tears dried. The Father was touched as He had witnessed the Son demonstrating to His faithful few how to serve one another, these unlikely men who would fan flames of passion into existence from the burned-out souls of humanity. Jesus had also taken the bread that forever would signify the greatest act of sacrifice the world would ever know. He broke the bread, and to each, Jesus handed a piece of what had been fragmented for them. The Father winced, knowing what was yet to come, as the bittersweet cup of wine was poured out like blood from a wound. The Master listened from a distance to the emphatic debates and eternal promises which flowed from the mouths of the men like tributaries of naivete and well-meaning and devotion. They had no earthly understanding what they were about to lose and gain all at the same time. They had stared at their Teacher with adoration and hearts hammering with fervor and affection. “No! Not I!” one by one they pledged, “This is love, Master!” they cried.

But as each slept the restless sleep of the deceived, the Father shook His head sadly. They meant well but not one could follow even though they had been carefully led. He felt the forlorn frustration of His Son, betrayal filling another cup He soon had to drink as well. The Creator glanced back through time. Was there any way this too could pass? Could He fill the hollow in man in any other manner? Was there possibly any other way?

The Way looked up at His Father, tears streaking His Son’s face that He longed to wipe away. Jesus raised His eyes, pleading, pained. “The sins are so great, and mankind’s needs so huge and the altar so empty. Father, is there a Lamb?”

Momentarily, a black cloud passed by, hovering near where Jesus stood. The peace of the garden was interrupted and at once was consumed with animosity and hatred. Death had arrived; its presence thick. Jesus brushed what felt like a kiss from the side of His face as He studied the men who suddenly surrounded Him.

“Father?” He questioned. “A Lamb?”

And the Master whispered back, “Yes, You, Son, are the Lamb.”

During the month of February,
come with me as we JOURNEY through
the greatest LOVE STORY ever written.