Betty PredmoreChristian Living

What Scripture Tells Us About Prioritizing

The bible is clear on how we should prioritize our lives and gives us specific instructions for doing so.

You shall have no other Gods before me.” (Exodus 20:3)

While we read this and recognize it as truth, it is often more difficult to align our lives in a manner in which we are LIVING this in our lives.

What are your Gods? Work, relationships, television, food, even the Lord’s work…all can be a God if you spend more time on them than you do in prayer and the word.

For if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God’s Church?” (1 Timothy 3:5)

Scripture lays out the foundation for the elders and deacons of the church, but also applies to all of us. Are we so busy doing this and doing that, going here and running there, that we are neglecting the things of our household? And if so, how do we think we can manage the “business” of God if our own homes are in chaos?

For where your treasure is, there will be your heart also.” (Luke 12:34)

Do you treasure the things of God? Do you treasure His word, a relationship with him, communicating with him? Being a light that brings glory to him?

Do you treasure the wonderful gifts he has given you…your salvation, your family? Is that where your heart is? Or do you find your treasure in an overwhelmed schedule, recognition from others, busy work, or checking things off a list?

You were bought with a price; do not become slaves of man.” (1 Corinthians 7:23)

Do you find yourselves carrying the weight of trying to please others all the time? Trying to do this or that because someone else thinks you should? They tell you what a “gift” you have in that area, so you feel obliged to fulfill a need.

In the midst of that, are your priorities getting out of whack? Are you so busy doing for others that you don’t do those necessary things for yourself…especially fostering your personal relationship with the Lord?

Be still and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” (Psalm 46:10)

Do you make time to be still before the Lord? As you live out your life for Christ, is their balance in your life? Or are you so busy running, running, running, that you push to the back some of the important things just to check just one more thing off your list?

4 things we need to check up on frequently to make sure we are in balance…

1. Relationships – how is my relationship with the Lord? What about my spouse, children, family, and friends? Are these relationships being pushed to a place of unimportance?

2. Time – Where and how do I spend my time? Is it in God’s word, or in prayer, or with my family? Or is my time too focused on all the tasks I have on my plate?

3. Activities – What am I involved in? Am I involved in too much? If so, are there any areas where I can eliminate some of that involvement so that I can make more time for my God and my family?

4. Priorities – How do my priorities line up? Are the important things REALLY at the top of my list?

Maybe for some of us, it would be helpful to write out our schedules and see what it is we REALLY spend our time on. This might be a great way to help us make some changes, so that the right things, the ones that are pleasing and honoring to God and our families, are at the top of the list.

“Dear Children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.” (1 John 3:18)

Finally….do we have our priorities and our schedules lined up in such a way that God might be able to use us for Divine Interruptions…those little opportunities that he offers us along the way to make a real difference for someone else?

If our schedule is so packed, and our priorities are so out of order, we might not be willing to make time for those little things that mean a lot to someone else; those opportunities to demonstrate Christ’s love and to let God overwhelm our own souls with these opportunities to be a blessing.