Betty PredmoreBible StudyThe Women Before Us

The Women Before Us Bible Study – Esther

The Jewish “Star”
Queen Esther

Within the pages of the Book of Esther, we get a glimpse at one woman’s strength and courage in the face of fear and doubt. We see a simple girl from a simple village rise to be a bold queen who possessed determination and fortitude.

We follow her process of being refined, we walk with her through self-doubt and feel her humility. We can almost feel her bravery as she stands bold and courageous to save her people.

There is much to be learned from this Jewish girl who became Queen. Take some time today to read her story and see how her life resembles your own.

The study below is to be used in conjunction with your reading.
Key Points in Esther’s Attitude of Servanthood to Her People:
Need for Guidance: Esther sought guidance in times of difficulties (4:15-17)
Who do you turn to for guidance in difficult times?
Do you pray and seek God’s wisdom?
Is there a mentor or friend in your life who points you to Christ?

Selflessness: Esther was selfless – ready to sacrifice for the good of others (5:1)
Selflessness requires us to put God and others before ourselves. Even in times of fear, we are to look to the good of others. Can you think of a time when your actions have imitated those of Esther, putting others before yourself?

Appreciation: Co-operation and help from fellow believers should be valued (4:15-16)
They say there is no “I” in “team”. Our fellow believers can be our helpmates, our accountability, and our source of courage. Who is on your “team”?
Is God the captain of your team?
How do you show your gratitude to those who you see as helpmates?

Acceptance: Be willing to take wisdom and counsel from those who are more mature (4:12-16)
It takes humility to admit we need counsel. We would love to think we know it all. But our God is so good in bringing into our paths those who are wise in His word and willing to share from their own experiences. How willing are you to accept wise counsel?

Things to Ponder:
Esther was obedient to her time of preparation, even though it was a lengthy process.

Do you have the patience to wait as God prepares you?

If God is going to use us, He sometimes needs to refine us. Sometimes we have to undergo that “bitter rubbing”, that hard time we go through as He rubs away at our pride, stubbornness, disobedience, or unwillingness.

Does anyone feel like they are in the “refining process” right now?

We all need God’s favor. Both Esther and Mordecai found favor with the king. When we live a life that pleases and glorifies God, we receive His favor. When we are obedient to Him, we reap the reward of His favor. He also blesses us by giving us the favor of those around us.

Have you seen evidence of God’s favor in your life?

God’s timing is uniquely His. (4:13-14) Esther, through patience and obedience, acted in the right timing. Sometimes we get anxious or excited about something and jump right in, without waiting for God’s assurance that the timing is right. It’s not that He doesn’t want you to have something, maybe He just wants it for you at a different time in your life. If we are in tune with the Holy Spirit and faithful to His calling, He will reveal His timing for the things in our lives.

Is there a time that you feel God’s timing was perfect, that He put you here for “such a time as this?

Your past doesn’t define your future. Esther was an orphan. Who would’ve imagined she would ever become queen? God used her, despite her circumstances, just like he used fishermen and tax collectors. God can use any of us, despite our past, if we have faith in Him and a desire in our hearts to serve Him. That is when all those things you have overcome in your past can be an awesome testimony.

How has God used you in ways that you could not have foreseen?

Esther was royalty. She was brave and obedient. But SO ARE WE! We are daughters of the Almighty King and because of that assurance, we can be BRAVE and BOLD for our God!

Our Prayer:
Father God, hear our prayer. Help us to be brave and bold for you. Help us to realize that our past does not define our future, and that our testimony is an opportunity, not a hindrance. Give us the patience, obedience, and humility of this gentle queen, and help us to always remember Whose we are and what You can do through us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.