Goodness & Grace DevotionalKerry S. Teravskis


He went on a little farther and fell to the ground.
He prayed that if it were possible the awful hour awaiting
Him might pass Him by. Mark 14:35

“I’m just going to go over here,” says a little child. Usually done out of his curious nature – to check things out, see what’s what, and find a new adventure within reach of his parents.

With Jesus, He went a little farther, but in duress. He left His disciples behind and went to be with His Father. He left them behind because He needed to pour out His heart and it was very full – of submission, anguish, and love.

He went alone to pray, just as He had done many times before. He went a little farther to converse with His Abba Daddy. That may seem amazing to read that Jesus called His Father Daddy, but He does. In His hour of suffering, Jesus becomes very intimate with the Creator of the universe – His Father.

He is on His face, before the throne of grace. He is on His face not only pouring out His anguish but pouring out His heart while pouring out His blood. He prayed so intensely blood was spilling out and it did not stop in the garden. No, that blood left a trail all the way to Calvary. Via Dolorosa is marked by His blood.

And Jesus went ‘a little farther’ three times. Three. What is amazing, is that here in Mark, we see that Jesus prays immediately that God’s will be done. He prayed in complete submission at the very beginning of this garden scene. Jesus submitted to His Father’s will at the outset, while knowing it was beyond anguish.
Think about it. When I am in anguish (and mind you, nothing compared to my Saviour’s anguish), I usually end my prayer time with finally submitting and praying that God’s will be done. Jesus starts His prayer with that. Then He keeps going back to it, a little farther. He doesn’t fall into submission after excusing all the other options – He submits immediately.

We are told that He prayed the same prayer at least twice. On the third time, maybe He went back to just be in the presence of His Father in silence. Maybe He went to receive comfort from His Abba Daddy. Maybe He went a little farther because He just couldn’t get enough of His Father’s love.

May I learn from this. Submit up front and then receive the Father’s strength to do that which He has called me to do. And to know His pleasure at that moment of submission. To have such an intimate time in that golden hour of quiet obedience and feel my Abba Daddy’s love.

Abba Father, You are amazing. You are approachable, near, understanding, and willing to converse with us. Jesus, You showed us the importance of going a little farther, and to keep going until we are at complete peace even if it’s the hardest thing we have ever done. You are there You are with us, and we do not go alone. In submission, I come. In obedience, I am at Your feet. In love, I give myself to You, again. AMEN