Love StoryMichelle Gott Kim

a Love Story – Broken – February 3

February 3rd, 2021


Genesis 3:1-3, ‘The serpent was clever, more clever than any wild animal God had made. He spoke to the woman: “Do I understand that God told you not to eat from any tree in the garden?” The woman said to the serpent, “Not at all. We can eat from the trees in the garden. It’s only about the tree in the middle of the garden that God said, ‘Don’t eat from it; don’t touch it or you will die.’” (MSG).’

The Master Creator felt it long before He saw them. It was like a veil had fallen, the erecting of a brick wall overgrown with ivy where once there had been no barrier, like stitches had come undone and the stuffing had blown away in the wind, deflated, tragic, final.

He began walking through the garden but He did not see His creations. Something was amiss; He had never needed to seek them; they had always come running, anxious for His company. Just as He thought…and His heart hurt. He paused; He knew where they were amongst the trees but He had hoped they would come running to Him. Perhaps that was the saddest for the Creator, that they had hidden themselves.

He continued to walk in search of the beings Who made His heart beat. “Where are you?” eventually, He called, His voice disturbing the silence; even the garden knew something was broken.

A whisper came back, tentative and weak, “I heard You, walking. But I was afraid because of my nakedness so I hid.”

It had happened. He heard the sound of His heart as it fractured, an eternity of hopes and promises shattering into a hundred billion pieces. “Who told you?” He was able to mutter. He saw ten thousand dreams dying, the resonance settling in His Spirit. Who told them they were naked, that they should hide from their Creator; who told them perfection no longer existed, that death had come?

“Who told you?” He whispered again, their eyes had been opened to all He had wanted to protect them from. And as His creation pointed accusing fingers at one another, the Master knew what He had to do.
“Now I have to make another Plan,” He sighed. Sadly, the Master Planner began to sew garments to clothe their shame and provision to cover the guilt. He wondered, had they any idea, these beings He had created with forever in mind, how painful it was to banish them from this Garden of Eden He had built for them, to now work the dirt from which He had formed them? Had they any idea that everything now had changed? He shook His head, commanding Protectors to stand guard over Eden and the Tree of Life. There would no longer be a forever; not now, not here. Death would have to be the penalty, He knew wistfully. “This was love,” a tear snuck out of His eye, and traveled the length of His weathered skin, “And it will be again,” He promised.

During the month of February,
come with me as we JOURNEY through
the greatest LOVE STORY ever written.