Love StoryMichelle Gott Kim

a Love Story – the Answer – February 12

February 12th, 2021

the Answer

Psalm 91:14-16, ‘”If you will hold on to me for dear life,” says God, “I’ll get you out of trouble. I will give you the best of care if you’ll only get to know and trust Me. Call Me and I will answer, be at your side in bad times; I will rescue you, then throw you a party. I’ll give you a long life, give you a long drink of salvation!”’ (MSG)

What He desired was a chance. Just a moment for the Master to display His yearning for communion with these beings He had dreamt out of air, that He birthed in His soul. Just an occasion for them to hear the beat of His heart for them. Just give Him a shot, and in return, He would give them something forever to embrace. But they rejected Him repeatedly, jilted Him like a heartbroken lover, made their own gods out of wood and stone, and chose empty promises to put their hope in. Over and over, they returned to their sin like a dog to its own vomit and their decisions cost dearly. Their foolishness and pride and stubbornness resounded like an echo in the chambers of His heart, like prison doors slamming shut. The Master knew what He had to do. He could not deny Himself; He was a just God, a holy God, and He was a living God; not dead like all these graven images His people bowed before, awaiting answers which were no more possible than finding life amongst the tombs.

Since before the beginning of time, the Creator had been preparing for a rescue mission. Long before Adam stumbled and Eve fell in the beautiful Eden they had been given, Jehovah Jireh (the Provider) knew He must prepare for all seasons and all eventualities. The timelessness of His mission was everlasting and eternal. After all, He reminded Himself, “I, the Lord God, am immutable; to Me, there is no beginning nor end; I always was; I always am; I always will be. I AM THAT I AM,” His voice thundered through the universe.

He knew it was time to set wheels of change in motion and Plans in place. These beings were but flesh, He reminded Himself again, and things like loyalty, faithfulness, and endurance were a foreign language upon their tongues. Like of old, the Lord God sought the emptiest of places, the beings who were like jars of clay, to fill, and He knew the time had come to remind His creation that it was He Who was inscribed on their hearts. There were only so many ways one could make an offering for the atonement of all their sin. Hadn’t there been enough blood shed? And no matter how many animals were sacrificed, there would never be enough to whitewash their ludicrous ways.

So the Master Planner set about great preparations to deliver His people from themselves. However, Elohim (Creator), reminiscent of Creation, knew this conception would not be like the first. He had reveled in His formation of the worlds and He had delighted in the fashioning of His beings. He had swept His artistry across flat lands and mountains were born and dry lands that bred water, and with a flourish of His brushstroke, light penetrated the dark and made it leave; breath perforated the seams of death and life exhaled.

This time it would not be so, He thought sadly. It would be bittersweet and the sorrow of what He must do tasted like vinegar on His lips. This time, the cost would be felt for an eternity and would resolve eternity all at the same time. And as He separated Himself so He could send Himself to the world He so loved, an intense ache filled His chest. This is love and it would cost Him everything.

During the month of February,
come with me as we JOURNEY through
the greatest LOVE STORY ever written.