Love Story

a Love Story – the Infinite Infant – February 15

February 15th, 2021

the Infinite Infant

Luke 2:34-35, ‘”A painful sword will one day pierce your inner being, for this Child will be rejected by many. And the destiny of the Child is this: He will be laid down as a miracle sign for the downfall and resurrection of many. Many will oppose this sign, but it will expose all the innermost thoughts of their hearts before God.”’

The Father greatly hurt. He had never felt like this before. He had experienced sorrow and sadness when these people He had dreamt about were stubborn and foolish. He had been frustrated and disgruntled with their insolence and their disregard and why it had not gone as He had hoped. He had been grieved often and His heart had even burned in anger within Him. But He had not yet felt such an intense sense of anguish and loss as His Son stepped into time and fell through space, leaving behind sovereignty and His supremacy, trading His riches for the rags of humanity. It is what the Master had conceived would be the only way to restore the years eaten by the swarming locusts, but He was truly unprepared for the desolation He felt and the totality of what the sacrifice would require.

As unaware as the Father felt He was, even more so was the world where His Son was going, whom He would save from themselves. He had been foretold for generations, this Savior of mankind, but mankind wasn’t looking for an infant wrapped in a cloud. That was the great Gift, the remarkable Answer, the forever Promise, yet they knew Him not. They were looking in all the wrong places and many missed Him; many would continue to wait for future generations to come, still expecting this Redeemer to arrive on a white Stallion, carrying a sword in one hand and a torch in another, ready to rule the world, sent to vindicate and judge the unworthy, as if any being could be found worthy.

But the girl knew. The Master had chosen her carefully, purposefully. Everything He was implementing was preposterous in the minds of the scholarly. She was just a simple girl, a child really, and Mary was her name; ‘beloved’, He smiled. She played a major role in this reclamation story. The ambiguous child found in a forgotten town would birth what had been conceived and gestating in the Creator’s heart since the beginning of time. An expectant pause was creating a path to a forever promise.

The Lord God peered through the heavens until He could see the peace which cloaked the girl. She was so young, so innocent, but what she lacked in years, Mary owned in wisdom. He had chosen her for her obedient heart and her faithful response, and the Lord God was pleased with the hope He saw cast across her face and the certainty in her gaze. He had entrusted His one and only Son to this child, and she would now carry the Son in a way the Father no longer could. What this girl had hidden within her would bridge the gap between heaven and earth, Creator and creation, life and death. Through this chosen one, the strength of humanity would bear deity so that deity could bear the frailty of humanity and offer up eternity. She didn’t know, she couldn’t know, but What she carried was Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace; that soon she would cradle the infinite infant who would someday cradle the needs of the world His Father so loved.
He heard her whisper, and He smiled, “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God, my Savior.” This was according to Plan, this was Love.

During the month of February,
come with me as we JOURNEY through
the greatest LOVE STORY ever written.