Christian LivingCyndi Woods

All Too Familiar Whispers

Have you ever felt the whispers on a particularly bad day that try and convince you that you are not enough? You know, after being late picking-up the kids because you were trying to catch-up on that laundry after spilling that gourmet canned tomato soup you had for lunch all down the front of your white sweater and you now have a pink sweater along with your husbands pink socks and that sweater now fits your daughter’s doll because you forgot to get it out of the washer to air dry and…

Now it’s evening time and you want to sit down with your family that you haven’t seen all day to a nice meal that you so lovingly burned for everyone.

These… these are the days we feel simply not enough. We want to be super mom! Cape and all! I mean — able to leap tall mountains of dishes in a single sink with a flourish all while keeping our perfectly manicured nails from chipping in the dish water. We want to act beautiful, look beautiful, talk beautiful, and just BE beautiful! Then we are awakened from our dream world by the smell of said burning dinner and we sigh and wonder if we’ll ever “get it right.”

Sister, let me tell you… there is beauty in the imperfections. If we choose to see the beauty, we can begin embracing our imperfections and see them as learning tools. Each day that we wake up, is a new day to begin again. Just as we wouldn’t take our ever-growing piles of laundry out of the dryer or off the line and throw them into the dirt, we don’t need to drag yesterdays dirt into our nice clean freshly laundered new day.

Believe me when I tell you that I am in the midst of walking this out in my own life. I desire to leave yesterday behind and pick up the gift of a new day today. Lamentations:22 and 23 tells us “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning, great is Your faithfulness.” (ESV)

This is a wonderful promise that we, in our “not enough” moments, we can lean on and count on and the scriptural shoulder to cry on. You see, we don’t have to always be enough because God is always enough. So, don’t drag yesterday’s dirty sheets on to your nice clean and made bed. Start the day with this verse and make a deal with yourself. Don’t try and make it a perfect day, make it a realistic one. Give yourself grace and allow fifteen minutes for a cup of tea and a quiet moment to settle. May blessings be abundant with you today and always.