Christian LivingRolanda Pyle


During these difficult and trying times, you may feel all alone
It may be difficult  for you if you have to stay at home
Because day after day, you know all you will hear…
Is that stinging quiet that fills the air.

It can be very hard when there’s no one to talk to
And you just wish you had someone there with you.
The silence speaks loudly, letting you know you are alone
To drown it out, you put on the television, music or get on the phone.

But here is a question, does alone have to mean lonely?
And  just because you are isolated at home, and  it’s you only…
Does it mean that you have to feel bad
Or get depressed, down or even feel sad?

Can we consider this time alone to be a good thing?
Or look at it as a season or time that brings…
An opportunity to work on things we always wanted to do
Fulfilling our plans, dreams, and our goals too.

We may also have to try to change our views
Concentrate on good things and turn off the news!
And be wise and use this “pause”  as a time to get things in line
While we believe this will all end in due time.

Even so, we are human and will feel some kind of ways
I know and can relate, I’ve experienced it also on some days
But one thing I know is that God said He will never leave or forsake us
So we just have to believe His word and in Him  put our trust.

We will get through this and come out on top
We can’t give up and we can’t stop…
Fulfilling our purpose, we will stand tall.
Let’s keep on praying, God bless us all!–