Amanda Gundersen and Jennifer Juen: the Women of OOS
A few months back, I was approached about interviewing two women who are the support staff of one of the growing studios in the Christian film industry. These ladies are the ones who stand behind the producers of one of the most popular Christian series on television. Amanda Gunderson is the wife of producer Chad Gundersen, known for producing The Chosen; and Jennifer Juen is the wife of producer, Chris Juen, who is also known for producing Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.

These couples have come together and created a studio called Out of Order Studios. OOS has a few feature film projects in the works and they have released a couple of feature films other than The Chosen.
These ladies can be found in the offices of the studio tying together loose ends, keeping up with bookkeeping, and other routine staff tasks. They enjoy being part of a team that is producing one of the most encouraging series on television.
The Chosen was selected as the Inspirational Film/Series of the Year at the 2022 Dove Awards.
Let’s get to know the ladies of Out of Order Studios.
Cyndi Kay Green: Please introduce yourself to our readers. Example: names, occupations, passions, locations, and short testimony.
Amanda Gundersen: My name is Amanda Gundersen. My husband, Chad, and I have two kids, Kai (17) and Kenlee (13). We have both called North Texas home all our lives. Fun fact, we live within a 5-mile radius of our childhood homes and all of our immediate family.
CKG: Did any of you expect to be connected with such a powerful and popular series?
Amanda: I think that’s the dream of any creator in this industry. To have that movie or TV show that just takes off. So, while deep down I’ve always known Out of Order Studios would do great things, I don’t think any of us saw this project growing as fast and as far-reaching as it has.

CKG: What is the most practical thing that keeps you focused on God and His calling?
Amanda: Remembering this is an US calling, not just my husband’s calling.
I had an encounter with the Lord about 11 years ago that changed my entire perspective on the calling to do this. I had been a stay-at-home mom for about 2 years, Chad was just grinding away at making this dream happen but I was becoming so resentful. When he was working on a project it took all his time and attention and usually, he’d be away on location for extended amounts of time. When he wasn’t working, we’d have no money coming in so the financial stress was real. He couldn’t win.
One day in my prayer closet I cried out to God, “I didn’t choose this, but I know you’ve called him to this.” And almost immediately I felt the Lord saying, “This is your calling too. You have a role to play in all of this. He can’t do what I’ve called him to do without you.” Something in me shifted that day.
Since then, I’ve reflected on that moment over and over. When the days are hard when Chad has to miss something…I remind myself that I was also called. Same thing for our kids. When we hear testimonies, when someone talks about a shirt we are wearing, when people stop Chad to talk… the first thing I point out to the kids is that their sacrifice is changing lives. It’s a family calling.
CKG: When did you know that Out of Order Studios would be a partnership?
Amanda: Ha! Way too soon! That’s even why we’ve named the company Out of Order because it just all happened so fast and definitely not the order most businesses would go! I remember after meeting Chris and Jennifer, Chad said, “I don’t know what God is doing here. I feel like we are supposed to be working together” Which doesn’t seem odd to most people but we always said we’d never go into business with someone. No one is still more surprised about us being in business with others than us.
CKG: Favorite storyline that is part of the Chosen series?
Amanda: I love Eden and Simon’s storyline. In season one they have this moment with Jesus where he heals Simon’s Mother-in-Law but just before that he addresses Eden. He knows what she’s about to sacrifice and He says, “I see you.” I lost it. I mentioned in an earlier question, that sacrifice is great in what we do. This reminder that God is El Roi – the God who sees ME was just what I need to be constantly reminded of.
CKG: What is your role at Out of Order Studios?
Amanda: Like Jennifer said, I mainly see myself as support staff. If the home life isn’t running well, then that puts extra pressure on the guys. But, I do also maintain all of OOOs bookkeeping. I try to fire myself every few months but they never let me go.
CKG: What was the most inspirational part of being at the Dove Awards?
Amanda:I think after years of blood sweat and tears being in a room with so many creative talented people and knowing each one of them likely had a similar story was so inspiring. Knowing you aren’t alone in the struggle to create. Also, I’m a huge worship music lover. So literally rubbing elbows with people I’ve listened to for years was jaw-dropping.

CKG: Please introduce yourself to our readers. Example: names, occupations, passions, locations, and short testimony.
Jennifer Juen: My name is Jennifer Juen. My husband, Chris, and I have been living in the Fort Worth area since 2014 and I have been homeschooling my two girls, Kylie (17) and Keira (12) for almost 10 years. Chris and I just celebrated our 30-year anniversary in November. We both found Jesus late in life, in our mid-30s, in 2007. In those sweet 16 years of walking with Jesus, He has shown me that I have the gifts of leadership, encouragement, teaching, and mentoring. I love leading women’s bible studies at our church and helping to grow the homeschool community I began 6 years ago, because I get to use (and hone) all of those gifts God has been cultivating in me for the past 16 years.
CKG: What has had the biggest impact on your relationship with Jesus?
Jennifer: Gosh, that’s tough to answer because there have been so many life-changing events that have impacted my relationship with Jesus and grown my faith exponentially. While there have been countless amazing and beautiful events that have grown my faith, I find that the deepest valleys are what grow me the most and move me closer to my savior. 2022 was filled with many incredible joy-filled moments, like celebrating our 30th anniversary, watching our guys win a Dove Award, and the premiere of The Chosen, season 3… but 2022 was also filled with a substantial amount of heartache that Chris and I had to navigate together, mostly from a distance, since he was on set. For the first time in my walk, I found myself on my knees, praising Him and thanking Him for the storm in my life. This genuine act of faith took time for Jesus to draw out of me. It’s easy to praise and worship Him when life is meeting your expectations. It’s an entirely different story when you can’t see past your pain. Only His strength can pull you through. We simply aren’t strong enough.

CKG: What is your role at Out of Order Studios?
Jennifer: I have no official title for now, but I like to think of Amanda and I as being the support system for OOO Studios. In addition to weighing in on projects that we consider, (and praying for which ones we should accept) we keep the home life going. The four of us meet as often as we can to discuss important company business and also to enjoy spending time together. First and foremost, the four of us are close friends. Second, we are co-owners of OOO Studios.
CKG: What led you to choose your profession?
Jennifer: Before I became a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom, I was a production accountant for visual effects on several different films. Chris and I moved to Southern California in 1996 because we were both interested in filmmaking. It took me a few years in L.A. to realize I didn’t have the thick skin required for an acting career in Hollywood. Thankfully, Chris helped me get hired as a VFX production assistant on my first film at Sony Pictures Imageworks. I fell in love with production and worked my way up to VFX coordinator. After a few years, I transitioned to the accounting department and became a Jr accountant on some small-budget VFX films. That feels like it was a million years ago though! My passion is now teaching. After both of my girls graduate from high school, I plan to return to college to obtain a seminary degree.
CKG: Favorite Bible story that is part of the Chosen series?
Jennifer: I love the Woman at the Well story and The Chosen portrayed it so beautifully. Although, now that I have seen the bleeding woman story this season, it might be my favorite now.
CKG: Which episode do you think was the most difficult to film?
Jennifer: It’s tough to say because to be on the production team of The Chosen means there are constant challenges! Each 2 episode has its unique difficulties. Without giving anything away, I believe the most difficult episode to film hasn’t aired yet. You’ll know it when you see it!
CKG: What is the earliest memory of church that had an impact on your life?
Jennifer: Unfortunately, I wasn’t raised in church. However, that fact, and knowing how much the church plays a crucial part in our spiritual growth, has motivated Chris and I to make church a priority in our lives, for us and our girls.
CKG: How long have your families known each other?
Jennifer: Gosh, it feels like we’ve known the Gundersens for decades, but it has actually only been 9 years.
CKG: We all like to picture ourselves on the red carpet, was it as you imagined?
Jennifer: Actually, it was better! Chris had a thriving career in visual effects and animation before we left California to move to Texas, so we have been at many red-carpet events. The vibe at The Dove Awards and The Chosen premiere was different than I was used to, though. It’s such an amazing feeling when you are celebrating the success of a project you have prayed for and it aligns with your faith as well.

CKG: What is your favorite line from the chosen?
Jennifer: “I was one way, and now I’m completely different. And the thing that happened in between was Him.”
CKG: Do you think the series could lead to misconceptions among those who aren’t familiar with God’s Word?
Jennifer: No, I do not and I have a strong reason for that belief: The Shack, by William P. Young is the book that helped me find Jesus. My mother-in-law gave me the book and it sat on my coffee table for months before I finally picked it up one day and decided to start reading it. I will never forget finishing that book at 2 am. With tears streaming down my face, and Chris sleeping next to me, I got down on my knees and made Jesus the Lord of my life that night. I have never been the same since. When the wife of one of Chris’s friends took me to my first bible study, the ladies debated back and forth one day on the value of The Shack. They felt the book had many theological issues contained within it. I quietly listened to their discussion and then told them my story of salvation. “Here’s how I see it,” I told them, “God used the book to bring me to Him. Now he’s using all of you to help correct some of those theological issues. The point is that I’m here now, studying God’s word and learning His truths for myself. Who cares if the book is flawed? It was just a tool.” I’m sure there are flaws in The Chosen, because the show is being made by imperfect people, but what I love is that Dallas and Amanda keep pointing people back to the Bible and people are responding to what they are seeing and looking at the stories up to read them for themselves. I believe God has been, and will continue to use The Chosen as a tool to bring lost souls to Him, just as The Shack brought me to Him as well.
CKG: Is there a projected number of seasons that The Chosen will air?
Jennifer: Yes, there will be seven seasons total, so we’re not even halfway there yet!
CKG: How often are you on the set with your husband?
Jennifer: Not nearly as often as I would like! Since my background in film is mostly VFX, I absolutely love being on set. I could sit there for hours and watch the same scene over and over again and not get bored. I find the entire process fascinating and I love watching Chris work. It reminds me that the sacrifices our family makes are worth it.
CKG: Any upcoming news that either of you want to share with our readers?
Jennifer: The Chosen was just nominated for a Movie Guide Award, so it looks like Amanda and I will be dress-shopping again
It was a joy to interview these two ladies. If you would like more information about Out of Order Studies you can find them at