Betty PredmoreChristian Living

Do You Have What It Takes To Be a Messenger?

I have this cute little messenger bag I picked up at a women’s conference. It is just the perfect size for me to toss across my shoulder. I decided I would use it to carry my bible and notebook to church. I have been using it for a couple of months now and it is suiting my purpose quite nicely.

As I pulled my bible out of my bag the other day, it occurred to me that I am using my messenger bag to carry the Great Message. What is inside my bag is a far greater treasure than the bag itself. When I need it, it is easy to find, and I can pull it out and put it to use.

I use my bag to keep that Great Message safe until I am ready to use it. It is a lot like my physical body, which keeps my soul protected and safe until I am ready to pour it out by sharing the Word of God to others or by sharing my own testimony.
The question is, am I actively sharing the message or am I keeping it safely within the confines of that bag? Am I pouring out my heart or am I keeping God’s Word safely within the confines of this body He has given me?

That message was meant to be shared. In fact, God commands us to share it. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, (Matthew 28:19 ESV)

God doesn’t suggest we go. He doesn’t say it might be a good idea to go or that He strongly recommends that we go. He doesn’t ask us if we would like to go. There is no question or suggestion in that verse.

He simply tells us, commands us with one word, “Go!” It is a demand straight from our Father in heaven. It is our calling, what we were purposed to do in this life. Sharing the gospel, sharing the love of the Father, bringing people to Jesus is what we were designed for. Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6 ESV)

What an incredibly important task we have been assigned. What a privilege it is to be a messenger of the gospel. Oh, that He would think us worthy of such a calling! I don’t know about you, but that instills a sense of confidence and esteem within me that can only come from God.
How about you, my friend? Are you ready to be a messenger? Are you prepared to pull out God’s word, read it, be inspired by it, tuck it into your heart, and share it with those He places before you? We must let those words dwell within our own hearts before we can aptly share them with others. Read and soak it in. Then be ready to spill it out upon those that are placed in your path.

Are you dedicated and disciplined enough to carry out this calling? And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. (Galatians 6:9)

Shouldn’t we all want to reap? Do you want to experience all the goodness God has for you? I know I do. I want the blessings to flow into my life and astound me in the way that only my Father can do. I want to experience grace and mercy, joy, peace, and love. I want others to experience those same pieces of greatness. I am honored that He would trust me to be a messenger.

Do you want to be a part of His great commission? I encourage you today to pull your message out of the bag. Take it out and hold it high for the world to see.
Shout it out in joy and jubilance and whisper it in quiet places. Don’t keep your message tucked away for safe keeping but proclaim it to all you see. Let God use you. You are worthy. You are capable. You are His. Join me in being a messenger for Christ, and together we can make a difference for the Kingdom of God.