Christian LivingGabriell Larson

Exit to Hope

Today I traveled to see a relative, the trip there and back, was roughly two and a half hours. This provided me a good chunk of time to jam out to my favorite music and connect with a Christian podcast that I have been waiting to hear. On my way home, I passed an exit sign for a town called Hope. I took a photo of this because when I saw this exit, it hit me differently than the other hundreds of times I had passed it before.

Think about the hundreds of times in your life that you have passed up the opportunity to exit at Hope. How many times have you glanced at Hope and continued on with your day full of despair and discouragement? God offers exits to Hope in our everyday life. God delivers us a road map that offers direct exits that will lead you to a life full of joy and grace. All you have to do is take the exit.

You should be warned, the trip may not offer a smooth ride, despite what you might think. The ride may be bumpy, you may need to pull over to refuel, you could get a flat tire or there may be a chance of storms. Regardless of what you encounter on your trip, you need to remember that you are choosing to accept trust in God. Keep your Hope alive and drive through the storm, travel the road God has given you. Travel it with Hope, sister. Let Hope shine down on your trip to provide you with inspiration to keep your foot on the gas pedal.

As Always, Gabriell

Read on your own: Romans 5:3 | Isaiah 43:2 | Romans 15:13 | Psalms 56:3 | Proverbs 16:9