Karin ThompsonKingdom Motivation


The seasons are changing, and leaves are falling off the trees, making way for winter. Maybe the season is changing in your life, too? Or you have been in a long dry season and can’t wait for it to end. Be encouraged, my friend. Seasons come and go and nothing is permanent. Life is constantly changing. Life can be tough when you are in a season of shortage, hardship, and maybe even dealing with death. But Psalm 30: 5 assures us that joy will come in the morning. You will get through this. You will smile again and get back to a new kind of normal again. The only way through is to stay close to our savior. Let Him carry you through and allow Him to guide you and show you the way out. Rely on His grace and mercy to comfort you. 

You may feel alone, but my friend, you are not. God is always with you. Fall can be dark, cold, and alone, but Summer always comes–ALWAYS. Even in your life, summer will come. It may come with changes, a new direction, a new hope. But be assured it will come. 

Psalm 23 1-6 speaks of walking through the valley of death. The key here is to keep walking, not to give up hope, and not to quit. As dark as it can get, you must keep moving. Giving up cannot be an option. Oh, it may look like a great idea at the moment, but giving up will take you down, down, down. Sometimes so down it’s impossible to get up. Jesus is reaching out to you now. Take His hand and let Him lead you through this dark, forlorn patch in your life. There is light at the end of the tunnel. All is not lost. God has a future for you. He will restore what they stole from you. He will revenge you and make the bad things right. Lean on Him and keep walking.