Falling For Fashion
Are you someone who enjoys the seasons changing? Or do you wish it was either hot all the time or cold all the time? Whether you are looking forward to the seasons changing or not, they are already upon us. The crisp fall air is here and not far behind it we will begin to see the snow falling in our front yards.

Whether you are about the colder temperature life or not, I am going to give you something to look forward to this fall: fall fashion.
I think one of the reasons I enjoy the seasons changing is because I get to move from one seasons clothing to another. Put away those shorts and flip flops and pull out the jackets and boots. It is fun for me, maybe because I tire of the same thing and enjoy change or maybe because I just love fashion so much. Either way, I am excited for all the cute fall outfits I have been putting together for this season.
So now, let’s take a moment and go through your closet. There are some staple pieces that can be used year round. These would be denim, black, neutral and white tops or dresses. Anything that is bright and screams summer needs to be put in a box until next year. However, pink is still very much on trend this fall so you can leave out some of your pink items if you want.
Now that you have space, go ahead and bring out those sweaters (they might need aired out), jackets, scarves and boots. Have fun with all the new possibilities you can create because your wardrobe just changed. If you need some new inspiration, set aside a little money to go buy a few new pieces.
I am always showing new fashion pieces from Amazon, boutiques, SHEIN and so much more so feel free to follow me and see if you can find some styling inspiration there (see below).
If fashion isn’t your forte or it frightens you, I want you to work on changing your mindset about it. What you wear says a lot about who you are.What message are you trying to share with those around you by what you are wearing? Maybe you want to go for the “I am a professional and well put together look.” Or possibly you want to share that you can dress up but you are also down to have fun. Whatever you decide on, own it and be confident in it. This is who God made you to be.
If you are having trouble trying to find the message you want to convey or finding pieces to match that message then feel free to reach out to me on any of these platforms and will do my best to help a sister out.
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