Daily DiscernFather May IMichelle Gott Kim

Father, May I? – More Than Conquerors – May 26th

Father, May I Overcome?
May 26, 2021

More than Conquerors

I John 4:4-6, ‘You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the One Who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. They are from the world, and therefore, speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens to them. We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood.’ (NIV)

As children of God Almighty, we have a priceless gift of being overcomers. But it doesn’t feel like that very often, does it? In fact, being an overcomer this past year especially has almost seemed like an oxymoron to many of us Christ-followers. I had to give that a fair amount of thought on more than one occasion, but as I reflected, I realized that there is nothing that isn’t our of reach for someone who has accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior.

The purpose of Christ—what God purposed by sending His Son to this world to live a sinless life while walking the very paths mankind walked—was to abolish the atonement God required as payment for sin. God Almighty is a holy and righteous God, a King, a Ruler, and He cannot look upon sin nor accept its consequences. The only atonement was spilt blood to wash the effects of sin away. For many centuries, mankind tried to pay for its own sin by spilling the blood of innocent animals. The problem with that was animals were constantly needing killed as sin had invaded every area of life and sins consistently needing atonement. So God chose once and for all to nullify the sin stain on the creation He dreamt into being by sending His perfect Son to pay our penalty as we were not ever going to be able to make retribution for our sin. Jesus walked our paths but did not make our choices, and being obedient to His Father, He took our place and died our death.

In so doing, He overcome what mankind was never going to be able to overcome. We were doomed from the moment sin entered the picture, when Adam and Eve were tempted and fell through the cracks of the spell sin had cast. Our choices were nailed to that cross, our depravity, our hopelessness, our humanity, our inability to overcome the blemish of sin’s power over mankind, all of it was hung on that tree and was settled once and for all. Jesus overcame it all.

So when you find yourself wallowing in defeat and discouragement, be reminded, dear one, that the battle has been won, that you are more than a conqueror, that you truly have overcome whatever threatens to trip you, that taunts you and causes you to second-guess life. You are crushing it, sister, and don’t you forget it!

(Words and Music by Jon Egan)
Seated above, enthroned in the Father’s love; Destined to die, poured out for all mankind. God’s only son, perfect and spotless One. He never sinned, but suffered as if He did.

All authority, every victory is Yours. All authority, every victory is Yours.
Savior, worthy of honor and glory, Worthy of all our praise, You overcame!
Jesus, awesome in power forever! Awesome and great is Your name! You overcame!
Power in hand, Speaking the Father’s plan
You’re sending us out, Light in this broken land.
We will overcome, By the blood of the Lamb And the word of our testimony!
Everyone overcome!

I want to know the Father’s opinion about everything!
Won’t you JOURNEY with me this month as we ask our Father, ‘MAY I?’’