Christian Women Living Magazine Living life together in Christ. Fri, 27 Dec 2024 19:02:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Christian Women Living Magazine 32 32 172972081 Ways to Give Thanks Fri, 27 Dec 2024 19:02:01 +0000 20 Ways to Give Thanks “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” (Psalm 107:1

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20 Ways to Give Thanks

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” (Psalm 107:1 NIV)

Have you considered the number of times you have given thanks in a day? Perhaps you thanked God for the day and night. Maybe you said words of grace over a meal. Whether the sentiments are shared aloud, whispered, thought, or written, God hears each word. There are many ways to show gratitude. The possibilities are endless. Below are a few examples.

Thank the Lord for the day and night. Before you rise from bed in the morning, offer a prayer of thanksgiving.
As you prepare breakfast, thank God for the ingredients.
If the food is being prepared for you, give thanks to the people who are working to provide a nutritious meal.
While changing from pajamas to day clothes, say a prayer of thanksgiving for clothing.
As you organize the activities for the day, thank God for His peace and protection.
Throughout the day, say “Thank you” to God.
Throughout the day, say “Thank you” to people who show kindness.
Thank a mail carrier.
Say “thank you” to the grocery store clerks and baggers.
Offer words of thankfulness to retail store workers.
Smile at strangers.
Share laughter with family and friends. Tell each person that you love them and are thankful for them.
Open a door for someone and say “Have a nice day.”
Throw away trash in the yard.
Check on a neighbor and pause for a chat.
Tell your children you love them.
Tell your grandchildren you love them.
Let your spouse know you appreciate them.
Chat with your pastor and ask about their life.
End the day with a prayer of thanksgiving to God.

This is a small list of ways to show thankfulness November is a time for family gatherings, sharing meals, and catching up on the latest events in life. However, every moment is an opportunity to share God’s love and give thanks for His many blessings.

What can you add to the list? Did you say those words of thankfulness today? Who did you thank?

Dear God, thank You for the love and forgiveness You give each creation. Please help us to know when to speak and when to listen. Guide us to find ways to show Your glory to others. Thank You. Amen.

Melissa Henderson

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A Tick, a Bee, and God Mon, 28 Oct 2024 20:32:48 +0000 A TICK, A BEE, AND GOD Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the

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Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us. – Paul Millsap

How many times in our lives do random things happen that, at first glance, appear to be awful occurrences? Perhaps you’ve been let go from a job, or a company shut-down. Maybe someone broke off a relationship with you. Or maybe, like Ellie Lobel, you found yourself in a medical crisis. Ellie found out that not everything that looks bad, is bad.

When Ellie Lobel was 27 years old, she was bitten by a tick and contracted Lyme disease. Not realizing what it was, she went to doctor after doctor who diagnosed her with everything but Lyme disease. Her body reacted with flu-like symptoms and horrible pains that kept her down. It was not until a year later, they finally diagnosed her with Lyme disease. By then, it was too late.

For 15 years, she was either in a bed or wheelchair, getting no relief from the awful symptoms. Ellie gave up the fight, moving to California to basically die. She hired a caregiver to help her navigate. One day, wanting to feel the fresh air on her face and listen to nature, she had the caregiver take her for a walk. Though her brain had been in a fog for some time, she wanted to enjoy these last few days of her life. She was standing near a tree when a bee appeared hitting her in the head. Ellie was very cautious of bees having been bitten when she was two and going into anaphylactic shock. More and more bees began to swarm. Ellie’s caretaker ran, but Ellie couldn’t run. The bees swarmed her hair, got in her ears, all she could hear was the constant buzzing. She was sure this was the end for her.

But it was not to be. Ellie went home with hundreds of bites on her, not caring to go to the hospital since she was dying anyway. But she did not die. Day after day, her Lyme disease improved. Four years after the horrible incident, Ellie’s bloodwork came back with very healthy results. What first appeared to be a tragic incident that would end her life, became the one thing that actually saved her life. After doing much research on the subject, Ellie realized the bee venom was helping her Lyme disease symptoms abate. Ellie began a regimen of ten bee stings a day three days a week. After four years, Ellie appears to have completely recovered from Lyme disease.

Ellie’s story is a powerful reminder of how God can cause good to come from seemingly bad things. What looked like the thing that would end Ellie’s life, was the thing that became her saving grace. And Ellie’s story would prompt researchers to study her case in order to help others with Lyme disease.

When we are in a dark place, we have a choice. We can choose for it to swallow us up or we can trust that God will use it for our good. Isaiah 55:8-9 says “My intentions are not always yours, and I do not go about things as you do. My thoughts and my ways are above and beyond you, just as heaven is far from your reach here on earth.” (VOICE) We cannot begin to fathom the mysteries of God, nor His ways.

The next time you find yourself in a situation you find hopeless, ponder on the mysteries of your Almighty God. Trust in His unfathomable grace and mercy. Begin to look for His loving hand to move in a way you never thought possible. The Lord delights in His works; He delights in His people; He delights in justice, loving-kindness, and righteousness; and He delights in giving good gifts to His children. He will surely delight in turning your bad situation into a triumph.

Job 11:7 – Can you fathom the mysteries of God? Can you probe the limits of the Almighty?” (NIV)

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Danger! Danger! Alerts on the Phones Mon, 28 Oct 2024 20:21:17 +0000 When this article is published, the terrible hurricane named Helene will be gone. On September 27th, my phone began sounding

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When this article is published, the terrible hurricane named Helene will be gone. On September 27th, my phone began sounding alerts at 5:30 a.m. As I grabbed my phone, I listened to a calm, yet firm, voice telling listeners to find a safe place to wait until the tornado passed. My husband and I rubbed the sleep out of our eyes and went to the area designated for safety in dangerous weather. My mind kept thinking “Danger! Danger!” I was thankful for the alerts on the phones.

We turned on the television and adjusted the volume so the voices of newscasters could be heard from the closet. One alert would end and another would begin. Our area has experience with hurricane winds. Tornados are different. The fact that we were in the dark hours made seeing anything outside impossible. Our neighborhood has a few street lights and they were the only way to view outside activity. Of course, we were in the closet waiting until it was okay to leave our safe area.

This hurricane brought power outages, downed trees and power lines, devastating flooding throughout many states, and other problems. Some bridges closed due to high winds. The reports of danger continued for hours.

As the darkness turned into light, I was reminded of how God protects us during times of danger and turmoil. God doesn’t promise that we won’t have danger or that we won’t be hurt. He does promise that He will never leave us. I find comfort in knowing that God is covering us with His love and protection in every moment.

Yes, there are times when I am afraid. Whether it’s a tornado warning, a scary medical diagnosis, or some other cause of worry, I must remember to go to God and seek His comfort. God is our safe place.

When the storm had passed, I began sending emails and texts to let our family and friends know that we were safe. I know some folks had flooding and more serious situations. I pray for every person and animal. I pray for God’s protection and love to cover all His creations.

Have you ever hunkered down in a closet or safe place during a storm? How did you pass the time while waiting for the “all clear”? Did you pray? Did you listen for directions from newscasters and authorities? Perhaps you read a book or the Bible. Perhaps you sat quietly and listened to the wind.

Storms of life come and go. Prayer is needed when times are good or bad.
How can you thank God today for His protection and love?

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” (Psalms 46:1 NIV)

In His name,
Melissa Henderson

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August Slowdown Thu, 12 Sep 2024 21:48:58 +0000 Summer begins with a rush. Family outings, scheduled events and activities, plans for the garden, cleaning the garage, and more,

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Summer begins with a rush. Family outings, scheduled events and activities, plans for the garden, cleaning the garage, and more, were all part of things to accomplish in the summer months. Then, the heat and humidity hit. The months of June and July were scorching and humid in the Lowcountry of South Carolina and in other areas of the country. We were ready for an August slowdown.

Before the end of every school year, families start thinking about how to enjoy being together during the warm months. Photos started appearing on social media showing people gathered for picnics, amusement park rides, water park adventures, and other fun activities. Folks of all ages enjoy sprinklers spraying droplets into the air. Faces look up to the sky waiting for a mist of cool water to bring refreshment.

The warm months came and the days were longer. Kids were outside catching lightning bugs and looking for frogs in the evening. Families walked together and looked for special creations of God. Frogs, toads, crickets, lizards, and the occasional snake could be found during the search. Bedtime comes later during summer.

August arrives and life begins to slow down for some of us. Stores are displaying racks of school supplies. Glue sticks, notebook paper, pencils, pens, and markers are a few of the items on sale. Kids and parents see the alerts for school supply lists. August is the time for easing back into a schedule.

Yes, some families homeschool and their schedules may be different. Other families follow the yearly school plan. Either way, there comes a time to rest, renew, and refresh. Summer may have offered a time for play and an ease of the routine. Now, August begins a time to prepare.

As new lists are made and completed, we need time to slow down and rest. The Bible tells us that Jesus rested on the Sabbath. Jesus also directed us to go to Him and find rest.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 28:11 NIV)

When the warmth of the season is turning to cooler air, and life is changing, remember to find rest in God. In August and every month, seek God and find peace. Slow down, listen, and look for the glory in His creations.

Happy August!

Melissa Henderson

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Lawn Chairs and Friendships Fri, 19 Jul 2024 19:38:21 +0000 “Get your chair. Meet us out front. Bring your water. It’s hot out there.” These comments can be heard in

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“Get your chair. Meet us out front. Bring your water. It’s hot out there.” These comments can be heard in our neighborhood several times a week. After work, several folks gather their lawn chairs and drinks, and go to the front yard of the hosting neighbor. Friendships are deepened and new ones created. The love of God is shared through conversation and fellowship.

The words shared during these gatherings might include concerns about health, work, finances, or other stressful topics. Also, funny stories, parenting and/or grandparenting tips most always bring smiles and laughter. One method of teaching the kids might work for a few people, while another method is the answer for others. Either way, life lessons are exchanged and there’s a chance to learn something new. The chats that help everyone relax and refresh are usually ones about children and/or grandchildren. Laughter is a great way to bond.

My husband and I have lived in different states and towns over our 45 years of marriage. Neighbors in each place have unique gifts and qualities. One neighborhood in Virginia greeted us with a house-warming get together at a neighbor’s home. Gifts to help us get settled, delicious food, recommendations for physicians and other vital information was shared.
Another place showed God’s love by including us in regularly scheduled activities like book clubs, game nights, and picnics.

When we learn that someone has moved into the neighborhood, my husband and I try to connect with them. We offer our phone number and email. Some folks know the area and others have moved here from a different state.

Inviting people to bring their lawn chairs to a yard and have a chat can help promote friendliness and connections. The more time we share with each other, the more we learn about the backgrounds, interests, and hopes for the future of every person.

I’m thankful God gives us ways to be together. Developing relationships also allows us to invite people to worship service and church activities. Vacation Bible School is often held during the summer months. What a great way for kids to get involved. Volunteering at church and in the community can bring new friendships and maybe a chance to sit in lawn chairs and visit.

How does your neighborhood show God’s love?

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” (1 Peter 4:10 NIV)

In His Name,
Melissa Henderson

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Gardening with God Mon, 10 Jun 2024 21:19:34 +0000 My love for gardening began when I was a young child. Mama and Daddy enjoyed planting seeds and plants and

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My love for gardening began when I was a young child. Mama and Daddy enjoyed planting seeds and plants and watching the growth of each one. Vegetables, fruits, and flowers adorned our front, back, and side yards. If there was an empty spot, my parents would find something to grow. Each planting allowed us to share time and enjoy gardening with God.

As a child, there were some days I played outside from morning until evening in the summer. No shoes, just bare feet in the grass. A few bumblebee stings brought pain and tears, but I continued to go barefoot. Every day, around lunchtime, I would head back home to rest in the air conditioning and eat yummy food. In the evening, my tummy grumbles alerted me of dinner time.

At each meal during spring, summer, autumn, and winter, there were fresh selections poured into bowls of various sizes and shapes. Collard greens, yellow squash, white potatoes, red tomatoes, green cucumbers, banana pepper strips, onions, and much more adorned our plates. Daddy made a jar of sweet tea every morning.

Those meals with my parents brought conversations about daily events, plans for the week, and discussions about the garden. “Should we get some more snap beans? When should we plant the turnip greens? Do you like big tomatoes or little cherry tomatoes?”

The meals began by sharing a prayer of thanksgiving. We did not pray every time, but we knew who provided the blessing of homegrown food. Mama, Daddy, and I were happy to be together and to feast on food that grew in our garden.

With each hole dug in the dirt, each seed or plant inserted into the soil, we were sharing time with God. The fresh dirt has a scent like no other. Earthworms sometimes climbed back under the dirt as we positioned the new seeds or plants. These moments together with my parents brought me happiness and peace.

Today, when I plant something into the dirt, I thank God for His provisions. Hummingbirds enjoy visiting the feeder, but they also love to drink nectar from the petunias and snapdragon flowers. Red roses and purple plumbago fill the flowerbed that my husband and I have created.
I thank God for the beauty He gives us to explore and enjoy. Do you like to garden? What plants are your favorites?

“This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalms 118:24 KJV)

In His Name,
Melissa Henderson

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“Will We Have April Showers?” Thu, 04 Apr 2024 14:56:00 +0000 There is a saying about April showers, and how they bring May flowers. Perhaps you’ve heard that one or read

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There is a saying about April showers, and how they bring May flowers. Perhaps you’ve heard that one or read the words on a plaque or some other place. Maybe you’ve asked, “Will we have April showers?” Yes, we will. Those showers can be raindrops or tears. As believers, we know that even in times of distress or sadness, God is with us and His peace will comfort us. When raindrops fall, we can have confidence that God covers His creations and provides what is needed.
Showers of rain can bring different emotions. A downpour of rain can remind us of the heavy tears we cry when we hurt. A light mist of rain can cause us to think of the sweat on our foreheads when we work hard.
We show our emotions through words and actions. Think of facial expressions and how they change with our feelings. Love and care shower us, resulting in abundant smiles. When sadness showers us, tears and frowns may appear on our faces.
God has told us in Scripture that we will have times of trouble. Trials will come to everyone. However, we know these troubles will come and go. God is with us at every moment. He knows our feelings. He knows our every thought. He catches our tears.
The book of John contains two of the most profound words in Scripture. Two simple words that remind us of the humanness of Jesus. He was fully human and fully God. Jesus showed his feelings of sadness through tears.
“Jesus wept.” (John 11:35 NIV)
Jesus didn’t hold back his emotions. He wept. Jesus cared for everyone and He showed love to all. We can learn from His example. Can you recall the last time you cried? How were you comforted? Did you go to God and seek His peace?
Yes, those April showers may bring May flowers and perhaps joy to enhance the season of Spring. From yellow daffodils to pink tulips, garden centers are stocking up on flowers for customers to purchase. I’ve already visited the local nursery and bought some plants. The grandkids and I have been playing in the dirt.
In what ways can we thank God for the April showers?
In His Name,
Melissa Henderson

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As Women, We Can Do Everything Through Christ Mon, 25 Mar 2024 22:39:50 +0000 “For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13 (NLT) As women, we sometimes (or often?)

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“For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”

Philippians 4:13 (NLT)

As women, we sometimes (or often?) think we aren’t capable of doing everything. Why? Because in most cultures, that is the common belief. We have been told so from our childhood onwards. We often see images confirming the same in the media. By and by, we have come to believe it ourselves—we think we can’t do everything because of being a woman.

We are, however, not just women. We are daughters of the King!

What does our Heavenly Father say about it? Does He think we can’t do everything because of being a woman? Did He create men more capable than women?

Let’s explore what God says we can do as women.

God created men and women in His image

From the beginning, God created both men and women in His image—His perfect image. There is no doubt about this—both genders are made according to the same image of God. Our worth as human beings doesn’t come from ourselves, but from the one whose image we bear. It’s important to keep this in mind when looking at our self-worth as women.

Indeed, God created a man first, and a woman out of that man. This doesn’t mean, however, that men are more valuable than women. Let’s say you gave birth to a daughter first and then got a son. Does that make your daughter more valuable than your son? No, it doesn’t.

And a fun fact in Genesis: men need help too! How do I know? Because God created a woman as Adam’s helpmate (Genesis 2:18). A woman was created as a helper. If Adam didn’t need any help, God wouldn’t have called Eve a helper.

God sees us, men and women, as equal. We are both His children and He made both of us perfect—in His image. As women, let us not look down on ourselves, but always remember the value we have in God. We may need to do some work to help ourselves believe in our value. We need a mindset change.

A mindset change

We need to change our mindsets from what we think and what the world prescribes to what God says about us and our abilities. How do we do that? It starts with the Word of God. It is in His Word that we can see who we really are and what we are able to do.

“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”

Romans 10:17 (NJKV)

In order to believe what God says about us, we first need to know what He says. The primary way to do that is by reading His Word. God’s Word is alive and powerful, it will transform our mindsets. That’s precisely what we need to have confidence in our abilities as women.

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”

Romans 12:2 (NLT)

Our Heavenly Father doesn’t want us to think about ourselves based on the behavior and customs of the world. He desires we’d see ourselves as we are: new in Christ. He gave His Son for us! Now we can live in Him—”In him we live and move and have our being.”

Acts 17:28 (ESV)

When we ground our identity in Christ, our mindsets will change and thus the way we see ourselves will change. To have faith in our potential as women, we must embrace this mindset shift.

God’s Word says much about us as women. Reference is often made to the verses that describe how we should behave, both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament. All those Scriptures are good, but they aren’t the focus of this article. We are focusing on our strength in Christ.

We can do everything through Christ who gives us strength

I must admit, Philippians 4 verse 13 is my favorite Bible verse! I apply it daily.

Let’s dive into what this verse means for us as women.

“For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”

Philippians 4:13 (NLT)

  • Does this verse apply to us? The verse states, “I can.” It didn’t say, “Men can.” So yes! It applies to women as well.
  • Can we do some things? The verse says, “Everything.” Meaning, there is no limit to what we can do as women.
  • In what way can we do it? Philippians 4:13 gives only one limitation—it is through Christ that we can do everything.
  • How can we do it? The verse ends by showing how we can do all the things—because Christ gives us the strength to do it.

Don’t let worldly influences or thoughts of others limit you in what you (think you) can do as a woman. Don’t even let your own mind determine. Let God decide on your capabilities!

The strength Christ gives us helps us do things we thought were beyond our abilities. This refers to the type of things, but also to doing multiple tasks simultaneously, or doing things under stress. Just to mention a few examples.

As women, we are multi-taskers: keeping the house in order, caring for our kids (if any), running a business, working from home, job at the office, etcetera. We are in charge of seemingly everything! But don’t let this overwhelm you. God knows you can do it…through Him.

If you feel like you are drowning in all your tasks and responsibilities, remember Philippians 4 verse 13 and receive the strength you need to go on. Tell yourself that you can do it. Ask the Lord for more strength. Confess the truth of Philippians 4:13 over your life and see the manifestation of God’s Word working in your life.

Steps to believe in your abilities as a woman:

Here are 13 steps to help yourself remember that you can do whatever you need to do:

  1. Start by recognizing that God created both men and women as equals and sees us as His children. Remember that we are made in His image and have inherent value.
  2. Understand that in order to believe in our abilities, we need to change our mindset from what the world says to what God says about us. This begins by immersing ourselves in His Word and allowing it to transform our thinking.
  3. Read and meditate on scriptures that speak to our identity in Christ and our potential as women. Focus on verses that emphasize our strength and capabilities rather than just our behavior.
  4. Embrace the truth of Philippians 4:13, which declares that we can do everything through Christ who gives us strength. Recognize that there are no limits to what we can achieve when we rely on His power.
  5. Let go of the limitations imposed by worldly influences, other people’s opinions, and even our own self-doubt. Trust in God’s assessment of our capabilities and allow Him to determine what we can accomplish.
  6. Remember that the strength Christ gives us is not limited to specific tasks or circumstances. Whether it’s managing multiple responsibilities, handling stress, or tackling new challenges, rely on His strength to empower you.
  7. When feeling overwhelmed by tasks and responsibilities, remind yourself of Philippians 4:13 and declare that you can do it through Christ’s strength. Seek His help and ask for more strength when needed.
  8. Declare the truth of Philippians 4:13 over your life regularly. Speak it out loud and believe that God’s Word is actively working in your life to manifest His strength and enable you to accomplish all that He has called you to do.
  9. Step out in faith and act based on God’s Word.
  10. Journal your insights from reading and applying the truth of God’s Word. Regularly go back to your journal to track your progress.
  11. Surround yourself with a community of believers who support and encourage you to embrace your abilities as a woman. Seek mentors or role models who can inspire and motivate you on your journey.
  12. Practice self-care and prioritize your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Take time to rest, recharge, and seek God’s guidance in all aspects of your life.
  13. Continually remind yourself of your worth and value in God’s eyes. Embrace the truth that you are fearfully and wonderfully made, and that God has a unique purpose and plan for your life.


As women, our capabilities extend far beyond societal expectations or personal doubts. We are not limited by our gender, but rather empowered by our identity as daughters of the King.

Through a transformation of mindset rooted in the Word of God, we can recognize and embrace the strength given to us through Christ. Philippians 4:13 serves as a beacon of assurance, reminding us that there are no bounds to what we can achieve when we place our trust in Him.

By relinquishing worldly constraints and embracing God’s truth, we can navigate the complexities of life with confidence and resilience.

Continuously reaffirm your worth and potential, knowing that you are fearfully and wonderfully made for a purpose greater than yourselves. Through Him, you can do everything He has called you to do.


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5 Ways to Cultivate Gratefulness and Weed-out Worry Wed, 20 Mar 2024 14:47:11 +0000 I’ll admit it. I’m a worrier. My parents were worriers, so I picked it up like a habit. While trying

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I’ll admit it. I’m a worrier. My parents were worriers, so I picked it up like a habit. While trying to get to sleep, my mind can spin with “what if’s”.

After realizing that worry shows a lack of faith, I decided I needed to do something about it.

Living in the past is unhealthy. Yet, to learn gratefulness, we must first reflect on the difficult times and challenges. If we measure how far we’ve come, we can see the faithfulness of God and be grateful.

1.Use Visuals
Years ago, I heard about the idea of creating a “manna jar.” If you recall, God fed the Israelites manna in the wilderness. Aaron put some manna in the Ark of the Covenant so the people would remember how God had provided for them.Using that as inspiration, we followed Aaron’s example.

Our family made a manna jar and put mementos of times when God saw us through challenges and was our provider. Our manna jar has quite a few hospital bracelets. It has gauze pads to remind us of when my husband came close to bleeding to death from a nosebleed. It contains an EpiPen to remind us of when my husband went into anaphylactic shock from bee stings. It contains a little toy bike to remind us of how God protected our daughter when she rode her bike into the street. She hit an oncoming car and managed to walk away uninjured. Our manna jar contains many other reminders of God’s faithfulness over our 42 years of married life.

You can post visual reminders of gratefulness around your house. Post a sign where you’ll see it that says, “Count your blessings every day” or “Pray More, Worry Less.” The Bible mentions gratefulness 157 times. Find some of those scriptures.

2. Use Words
My husband says, “What’s the good news?” when he arrives home. It forces me to think of something positive that has happened, even on those days when I’m struggling not to worry. Somedays, all I can think of is, “The trash got picked up” or “There weren’t any bills in the mail.”

Other ways to use words include:
* Saying thank you.
* Writing letters of gratitude.
* Keeping a gratitude journal.
* Record times you’ve received grace, or good things you enjoy.
* Write down people you are grateful for.
*Or even things about yourself that you consider positive attributes.

3. Fake it.
Try smiling, even if you don’t feel it. Sometimes your emotions will catch up if you give them a chance. Act appreciative, even when you are not feeling it. The responses you get may change your attitude to one of gratitude.

4. Get in Nature

Take a walk outdoors. Pause to observe what you see, hear, smell, and feel. Filling your senses can help cultivate gratitude and foster a deeper appreciation for life and the world around you.

5. Pray with Gratitude
Let’s not cause God to grow weary of hearing our complaints, fears, and requests when we pray. Start your prayers with “Thank you God…” instead of “Please God…”.

Did you wake up? Were you in a safe place with a warm bed? Do you have food to eat, clothes to wear, shoes, hot water, people who care about you, a job, transportation? Be grateful for what you have. We serve a generous God who meets our needs.

As Corrie Ten Boom said, “Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.” If you have a habit of worrying, take steps today to reform your thinking.

Matthew 6:34, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Bio Teresa Burgess MS, RN
Teresa is an experienced nurse writer with over 40 years of work around healthcare advocacy and patient education. She writes spiritually healing health and wellness content for publications whose mission is to educate, inspire, and advocate for their readers. As a person with a currently incurable neuromuscular disease, she particularly enjoys writing for those who suffer from a physical challenge, emotional conflict, or spiritual turmoil. She is a Christian, wife, mother, and grandmother.

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Women Who Share God’s Message Mon, 18 Mar 2024 00:13:06 +0000 Sunday School lessons and worship services teach the importance of women in the Bible. Stories of women who followed Jesus

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Sunday School lessons and worship services teach the importance of women in the Bible. Stories of women who followed Jesus and told believers and non-believers about God are important parts of Scripture. In Biblical times and today, women who share God’s message are showing others how to have a relationship with God.

Bookstores offer selections of topic-related information. From women of the Bible, men of the Bible, daily reading plans, devotionals, prayer books, and more, Christians and non-Christians seek to learn more about God.

Jesus had many followers and some of those people were women. In Biblical times, when women were not considered equal to men, Jesus showed love, compassion, and forgiveness to everyone including women.

In the New Testament, women of different ages are noted as serving Jesus, asking Him for healing, and sharing His message with numerous communities. Consider Rahab, the prostitute, who hid two men who had been sent to scout the city before an attack. Although her background is controversial, Rahab is considered righteous.

Mary, the mother of Jesus, listened and obeyed God’s will for her life and the life of Jesus. Mary was visited by the angel and followed the instructions given to her. We can’t comprehend the feelings Mary may have endured at the birth of Jesus and then, at His death on the cross.

Today, women share the love of God through words and actions. They volunteer at food kitchens for the homeless and/or needy, collect clothing, toiletries, and daily supplies, and serve in other ways.

Women in my life have shown me how to express God’s love, forgiveness, and compassion. My Mother worked at a local grocery store. She often brought supplies from the store, which she purchased with her paycheck, to neighborhood friends in need. Butter, meats, bread, etc. were placed in a brown paper bag and given to my babysitter and other folks whom she wanted to bless.

In my young adult years, I attended churches that offered Women’s group activities. In those gatherings, I learned how to be compassionate to people of all ages. Members of the church invited me to visit the shut-ins, prepare and take food to those people in the community who were in need, and pray for everyone.

My sisters, Carol and Glenda, have always been wonderful examples of God’s love and glory. I learned how to care for others, including our family members, through their example. My sisters do not realize the impact they have had on my life. Those sweet sisters took care of me when I was a young girl while our parents worked, included me in their conversations, prayed for me when I journeyed through breast cancer, and so much more. The list of ways my Mother and Carol and Glenda have impacted my life now and then goes on and on. I am forever grateful to those three ladies and all of the women who have taught me how to show God’s love.

I’m blessed to have precious Godly women in my family and I thank God for those women.

Are there women in your life that have impacted your faith?

“God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.” (Psalms 46:5 NIV)

Melissa Henderson

The post Women Who Share God’s Message appeared first on Christian Women Living Magazine.

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