40 Days of Faith & FitnessFit for LifeHealthy LivingLisa Vasseur Jarvis

Fit for Life: Lisa Jarvis

God created us as whole beings. We are a fully developed being, created in the image of our maker. And because of the deep connection between our bodies and our spirits, we can not truly find health and happiness until we focus on our whole selves. We invite you to embark on a 40 day journey of faith and fitness. Everyday, our fitness expert, Lisa Jarvis, will guide you on a journey that will help you gain health physically, mentally and spiritually. She will show you the deep connection between your faith and your fitness. We challenge you to be a part of this life-changing journey.

Meet your Mentor, Lisa Jarvis

I am Lisa Jarvis. I was born and raised in Paducah Kentucky and I am still there! My most important role is being Mom to four great guys! I have been married to my husband Darren for 32 years. I am a former elementary school teacher, but now I am a fitness instructor at a local gym where I teach Body Pump classes to a fantastic group of people! 

I am also a food blogger. I have a healthy food blog that I have done for two years now! I have over 300 healthy recipes on my blog that I created! When I was 51 years old I decided to go back to college to get my degree in Culinary Arts! This was a fantastic and challenging experience!  After that I got certified to teach Body Pump. Both of these endeavors were life-changing for me! I am so passionate about cooking healthy food and also fitness!  I am blessed to be able to share these passions with others!

I was raised in a Godly home where I was taught about the Lord at a very young age. I got saved as a child. I went to college at Liberty University where my Christian walk was deeply enriched. I quit teaching school to stay home and be a full-time Mom to my sons. They are all amazing young men, and I am so incredibly proud of them. As they got older, and so did I (ha ha), I went through a bit of a time of soul searching about what God might have for me to do with my life now that my sons were all about grown. I was dealing with terrible symptoms of menopause. I prayed for help through this time and God really pointed me to some awesome things! This is when I decided to get my degree in Culinary Arts, which lead to my blog. I started eating a very clean diet and began weight training, which totally improved my symptoms I was having. I got back in shape and got my energy back!  Then I got my certification to teach the fitness class as well as got my Fitness Nutrition Certificate. I love sharing these passions with people! God took me, and is still taking me on quite a journey! I am just hanging onto Jesus and having a great time!

What is the Connection Between Faith and Fitness?

In my life, through this process, God has shown me the connection between faith and fitness. To me, they go hand in hand. Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit!  As Christians, we are not our own! We are bought with the precious blood of Christ! We should glorify God in our bodies, as well as our minds and spirits!  We must rely on the power of God to help us in our health and wellness journey, as with all areas of our life!

He is the only true source of peace and fulfillment in our life!  To me the reason why we should strive to be healthy in our mind, body and spirit is to honor and glorify the Lord!  Being healthy or fit isn’t the end of the journey! It is the beginning! It is so we can be fit and ready for anything God calls upon us to do! My role as a fitness instructor has lead me to some amazing opportunities to share Christ!  I have  the opportunity to lead a group bible study with many of my class members about getting healthy God’s way through faith! I have an online group where we encourage each other in our faith and fitness. God has truly shown me that He can use anyone in any area of life, if we are just willing. He is such a creative God!  

What is 40 Days of Fitness & Faith?

The latest thing God has lead me to do is 40 Days of Faith and Fitness. I am amazed at how He has given me, literally daily, what devotions to write to encourage others to be healthy in their mind, body and spirit. Writing these 40 devotions has been such a spiritual journey for me! I have learned so much. God is so good! His timing is perfect!  I will wait and see what God has for me, but I think using the devotions along with my recipes and workout tips could be a very unique book about a journey of faith and fitness! 

What Inspires You?

A passage that has always inspired me is Hebrews 12:1-2. It says,”Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”Our life as a Christian is like a race. We have to get rid of the sin and the things that are holding us back from running our best race to the finish line! I want to run with the wind in my hair, wildly excited about this journey He has me on! Jesus is our example! He ran his race with perfection!  He laid down his life for us! He is our example and our goal! He is cheering us on!

I truly hope people are blessed and encouraged by the 40 Days of Faith and Fitness! God Bless!

Join us?

We hope that have enjoyed getting to know the lovely, Lisa Jarvis and hope that you will join us as we work toward a better and healthier life! Stay tuned because your 40 Days of Faith and Fitness is about to begin. Starting Monday, July 6, 2020.

More about Lisa:
Visit her blog at: www.foodforthought.today
And check-out her author bio: Lisa Jarvis

One thought on “Fit for Life: Lisa Jarvis

  • LaVonna Willingham

    Such an inspiration with a kind spirit!

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