From Everlasting to Everlasting

But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord’s love is with those who fear Him, and His righteousness with their children’s children. Psalm 103:17 NIV
Try as I might, I cannot outrun God’s love. Not that I would want to, but I couldn’t just the same. His love is from the east to the west – which means there is no end. Where one side would seem to come to an end, the other picks up so that there is one seamless thread of love.
Growing up in a home where life was uncertain and love was not demonstrated all that much, I fully understood God’s love for me while in high school – I was overwhelmed. Could God love me? A sinner? I did not have to prove myself to Him? I did not have to do something for Him? I could just accept His love and be forgiven? This was a novel concept and one I had been searching 17 years for and finally found.
God’s love is upon those who fear Him. It’s not about being afraid of Him – although there is a certain amount of holy fear when we recognize that we stand before a holy God. But fear as in deep reverential awe. Basically, it is not being able to say anything because you are overwhelmed with God’s Presence in your life. This is a good thing.
I had a great grandmother who prayed for her grandchildren, great grandchildren and future generations. My own grandparents did not necessarily follow the ways of God, nor did my parents. But Grandma Stewart did. My siblings and I would spend time with her in her turn-of-the-century downtown Los Angeles home for days at a time. Prime real estate that, but we only knew the huge backyard with fruit trees. The green siding, and long stairway to the enormous yard. And inside, seeing and hearing our grandmother on her knees (mind you she was in her 80’s at the time) beside her bed, praying – for us, her family and other loved ones. Often we would see her. Not having this demonstrated in my ‘normal’ life in our small apartment, it was a treat to see her in those visits, experience her unconditional love, knowing she was bowing before her God in prayer for me. Such comfort.
Father God, to You people matter. We are, after all, made in Your image. Generations matter. Children are a blessing from You. Thank You for my great grandmother praying for me and my siblings. And I thank You that I too, can pray for my future generations. Lord, bring to mind please, those that I should be praying for in my generational line. My family matters. And they matter to You. AMEN