Generational Change Maker (GCM)
Have you ever felt like you were born with a Generational Purpose? A purpose that, once discovered and fulfilled, would lead to a major shift for your generation
and cause a positive domino effect down your bloodline. You weren’t meant to settle and be mediocre, you were meant to step into something new, like a promise land never experienced before in the generations that precede you. Do you have dreams and ambitions so big they make you nervous yet excited? Do you
envision things so grand and beyond that your current circumstances and logic cannot even comprehend how you will achieve them? Do you see yourself, your children, your grandchildren, your great-grandchildren, and their children, being positively and inspirationally impacted by this extraordinary vision?
If you answered yes to all then, you might just be a chosen Generational Change Maker (GCM)!
If you haven’t quite figured out the answers to the questions, sit tight and journey along reading, and you might just discover that you are a GCM. But what is a GCM? Let’s start with generational change, this means a group of people around the same age, making a unique and impactful difference. Zooming in, this change is so significant that it influences or affects not just our generation but those to come. So, when I say you are a Generational Change Maker, I am saying that you are someone who possesses the ability to have a profound impact on your family, the world, and generations to come. It means that your unique vision, courage, and actions will allow you to achieve great things that leave a legacy.
Yes, that’s right you are not just a GCM, you are also a legacy leaver. One key thing to note is that being a GCM is not restrictive to any particular area. You can cause influential and generational change anywhere. You can be a GCM spiritually, or in business, education, politics, science and technology, art, and so on. There is no limit. Let’s look at the bible to see some of the female Generational Change Makers that existed then. There are many significant GCMs throughout the bible, from the very beginning in the Old Testament throughout the New Testament. These were people whose lives set faith foundations and led to a significant change in their generations and generations down the line. Their obedience to God’s will lead them to be remembered for centuries and be lessons to us today in how we should handle life and our spiritual walk.
Taking a look at the Old Testament, these are some of the Female GCMs we can find:
Sarah – The Woman of Faith
We often hear about Abraham and his faith and obedience in God’s promise and covenant to him. But what about Sarah? She too had huge faith, imagine being a
barren woman, in her 90s, believing and having the courage that she would give birth and be able to raise a son, fulfilling God’s promise and covenant. She is seen as the mother of many nations and the mother of many Kings. (See Genesis 11, 17, and 21) Sarah was indeed a GCM in Faith and Belief.
Deborah – The Woman Judge, Co-Military Leader & Prophetess
A figure not many are familiar with, yet she played such a crucial role. Deborah was the only female judge mentioned in the book of Judges and is remembered as the woman who brought military and political change with her wisdom and bravery. She helped lead the Israelites to victory against the Canaanites using her guidance from God. She was so valuable that the Israelite military commander only agreed to lead the army if Deborah went with him. (See Judges 4:1-5, 31) Deborah was definitely a GCM in politics, war, faith, and courage.
Esther- The Brave Queen
Esther is remembered as the queen who took a bold and brave step in approaching the King to reveal her identity and plead for her people. She was wise and used her position of influence to strategically combat the wicked plans of the King’s advisor to exterminate her people. She courageously risked her own life to stand up for her people, and her beliefs and to make a difference. Her faith in God fuelled her to become the daring and long remembered Queen who saved her people. (See book of Esther) Esther was a GCM in religion, politics, bravery, and faith.
We can also find some Female GCMs in the New Testament, these include:
Mary- The Mother of the Savior, Jesus Christ
Perhaps one of the most profound female GCMs is Mary, the Mother of our Savior. From the very beginning when she received the message from the Angel that she was chosen to carry Jesus, Mary showed exceptional faith and courage, though she was scared at first. She eventually accepted God’s plan and will for her life to carry such a generational promise and purpose. (See Gospels of Luke 1&2, John 2:1-11)
Imagine the strength, obedience, and faith she had to have to not only birth and raise Jesus, but also watch Him lay his life down and suffer for us. As a Mother, that must have been so painful and difficult, but Mary kept her courage and believed in God’s plan. Even after His death and resurrection, she displayed great dedication by being present with the other disciples to continue the spread of the good news and Christianity. (See Acts 1:14, John 19:25) Mary is a GCM in Salvation for mankind.
The Woman whose Faith made her well
This woman, remembered over two thousand years later, helps depict for us the power of faith. She was a woman who was suffering for twelve years from a
bleeding disorder, which no doctor or expensive medicine could cure her. But this brave and faith-filled woman heard about Jesus and made her way somehow through the crowds with her issue, not to talk to Jesus, but to just touch the hem of His garment in the hope she would be made well. And so, it was. Now that is extreme faith worth being a lesson and encouragement for generations upon generations. This woman was a GCM in displaying the power of Faith.
Phoebe – The Worthy Servant of the Church
Phoebe was specially mentioned by the Apostle Paul, as someone who served the church and was highly commended for assistance and service. Scholars believe that she aided in delivering Paul’s letters to different churches. Now, understanding that those times were very critical for Christians as they were being persecuted, this would mean that Phoebe valiantly risked her life to spread the message of Christianity. Phoebe was a GCM in courageous faith and Christianity.
As we can see, being a generational change maker is not something new or of modern culture, long before us, GCMs existed, especially female GCMs. The biblical GCMs are perhaps the most valuable because they have helped shape our lives and provide fuel for our faith and encouragement today. It’s a powerful thing to be a GCM because it’s not just about you but about those around you and generations ahead. But I must say, being a GCM requires faith and discipline and it’s not an easy thing to accomplish. Change is never easy, so imagine the willpower and determination it takes to cause generational change. But, as long as you believe you have a generational purpose, keep pushing to be that Generational Change Maker you are.
Lee Anne Assing is a Caribbean born, first class honors graduate. She is also a self-
published e-book author, content writer and business owner of L.A Digital Marketing
Services. She loves putting her mind to work, and writing content than can inspire,
help and make a positive impact on others.