Christian LivingGabriell Larson

“God made me do it”

Today I was asked, “what inspired you to create a personal blog to share with the world?” The question caught me off guard as I struggled to find an answer other than “God made me do it”

If you know me personally, a personal blog is the last thing I ever would see myself doing as a hobby. Being honest, I nearly failed every spelling/grammar test ever to be given to me. I know that I have shocked friends and family on the reading side of my content. Trust me y’all I am just as shocked as you. Despite my own doubts on the content of the blog I consistently was overwhelmed with the idea to write. Interactions with God became more and more clear, leaving me with the idea to share those interactions. I attempted to push the idea away, however God insisted that I give it a chance. It was hard for me to get started at first, I would start a paragraph, visit it later and end up deleting it because I did not feel it was worthy of views. I felt it was not worthy to lead women to God. I struggled to find the reason God wanted me to share MY stories. So I deleted it. God eventually caught me red handed as I would complete the content…. and then not post to my page, for the world to see. That detour was a short trip, once God laid confidence on my heart, the stories came flooding out of me, drawing direct connections between Him and my everyday life. He called me to share those stories with you. I am so glad you are here, God guided you to my content for a reason. Read deeply and reflect whole heartedly as these stories were placed here by God himself through me.

Grab your bible and join me – Luke 1 26:56

I can relate to Mary in this passage. The confusion and doubt that must have rained over her in the early stages of that conversation with angel Gabriel. Trying to understand a calling that she could hardly grasp herself. I would be fearful, I would be full of questions, I would be doubtful. But Mary’s calling does not differ from mine. I am not saying I was chosen to carry the son of God, however my calling was one I had feelings of doubt and miles of questions. The difference is how Mary responded.

Mary responded ready to serve God in any way that He saw fit. Mary literally said (38) “I am the Lord’s servant, may it be done to me according to your word” Sisters, I don’t know about you, but if an angel showed up and told me I was 6 months pregnant, and predicted a birth of a baby boy in 3 months time, knowing I was not fooling around with Joseph in the sheets. Well sisters, I’d laugh, I cannot stay truthfully that I would have reacted the same as Mary did but maybe we need to?

My calling to write was one I laughed at, one I doubted, one that I attempted to find a way around. What would have happened if I would have complied like Mary did from the start? What would have happened if I responded like Mary did? I can’t help but ask those questions when the outcome of Mary’s situation turned out to be a baby boy would save us all. I am thankful Mary did not respond the way I did. Delaying the arrival of Jesus would not have been ideal for the new testament.

Reflect on your own and share with me at my personal page

Reflection Questions:

How might your attitude about your calling reflect differently if you respond like Mary did?
How are you currently responding to God’s calling?
How has God surprised you, in the way you have been called?
When have you found yourself in Joseph’s shoes, having to support someone in their calling?