Dr. MelHope for the Hurtingself help

Hope for the Hurting with Dr. Mel

Trust God’s Character

When hard times hit, and you find yourself questioning why something has happened, set your mind on the character of God. Remembering His character will help you to stay calm and steady amid your situation. 

God is the great I AM. “God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM’; and He said, ‘Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, I AM has sent me to you’” Exodus 3:14 (NASB)

He is eternal and unchanging. Remember that He loves you with an everlasting love. He allows nothing and does nothing that is not intended for your good. Romans 8:28 (NIV) says, “And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.” 

“How could a loving God allow a loved one to be estranged from me?” I have often been asked. “Why would God let my company lay me off after ten years? How is that a part of His plan?” “How will God bring something good out of my husband cheating on me?”  While counseling, I hear the heart cry of women in pain. 

It has been my experience that most of the time, God typically helps me see the purpose in due season. He doesn’t have to explain anything to us, but many times he has graciously allowed me insight and understanding. If a family member is estranged because of a difference in values and beliefs, the Lord may allow it for a season for the purpose of working in the heart of your estranged family member. A job lay-off may be paving the way for redirection into a job better aligned with your gifts and calling. 

When answers to our questions don’t come, it is important to trust God. Psalm 146: 3-4 is a great passage that reinforces reasons why God is trustworthy. Give thanks to the Lord of lords: His love endures forever. To him who alone does great wonders, His love endures forever.

God so loved you that He sent His one and only son, Jesus (John 3:16), to provide a way for you to have eternal life in heaven. It is not likely any of your family or friends, regardless of the depth of their love for you, would allow their only child to be killed for your sake. Yet God did. If He loves you that much, He can be trusted. His heart is toward you. 

When struggling to find someone or something to trust, indeed, God is the only one deemed trustworthy enough to be with us through our journey in this life. Earthly fathers, family, friends, and organizations, even Pastors and church family fail us. Not intentionally, but life gets in the way. Misunderstandings happen. People get frustrated or fatigued, and they fail us. The Bible is filled with the promises of God, who is trustworthy because in His perfection, cannot fail to keep the promises He has made. 

It is not in the character of God to plan anything less than what is best for you as His beloved child. He formed you in your mother’s womb, and before you were formed, He knew the plans for your life. Because He is unchanging, it is impossible for Him to change His plans for you. The free will of man may have changed circumstances in your life (EG a job, housing situation, etc.). The free will of a loved one may have caused them to overdose and pass away. Those were not the plan of God for you, but free will entered in. Even so, God is not surprised about the choices others make that impact your life. 

When in doubt, think back to all the ways God has blessed you and provided for you over your life. His unchanging (Immutable) character means those traits you’ve experienced before can be depended on now, in your current situation. Storms will come and go, circumstances will swirl around you, but you can trust and put your faith in the omniscience (all-knowing) character of God.