Daily DiscernI DoMichelle Gott Kim

I DO! – Great Love – June 1st

June 1, 2021

Great Love

Isaiah 41:9, ‘I drew you to Myself from the ends of the earth and called you from its farthest corner.’ (TPT)

You will find no greater love than the love your Father, the God of the Universe, has for you. You can search the world over and your hands will still be empty, and your soul will continue to seek. Positively, it is a simple truth. Your name has been on His lips since before time began. He has dreamt about you, imagined you, spoke you into being. All because of His great love for you, His longing for you.

There is not anything you could do that would cause Him to shut the door in your face. He will not run out on you; He will not choose another over you; He will not make a promise to you that He is unable to keep. His Word is His anthem, and He does not go back on it nor does it return void, unkept. In a sentence, you cannot get away from Him no matter how you might desire to or think that you could. You may tell yourself He has left; that He doesn’t see you and He can’t accept you, but those are excuses we tell ourselves to avoid the realness of His presence, the sting of the shame we think we deserve. He did not draw you though to condemn you. He did not bring you this far to abandon you. He did not go to the ends of the earth to find you and bring you home to walk away. You are stuck with Him. He awaits you. He is holding His breath, waiting to see if you will turn around and run back to Him; if you will jump into His wide-open arms and wrap yourself around Him and bury your face in His chest and feel the beat of His heart for you. It is the greatest love story ever written. And you are the Heroine, the Chosen One, the Beneficiary of His unlimited grace.

You can fancy the love of a lifetime with another individual, and true love really does exist. God loves you so much He wants you to feel safe and secure with a person He designed for you, in His perfect timing and plan. In fact, He made you for relationship with another and with others. But there will never be a love like the love He has for you. It is an amazing love affair you will embark on when you say ‘I Do’ to Him. He will spend the rest of your life courting you and caring for you, bestowing and blessing you, longing for your attention and loving on you, giving and gracing you, fashioning and filling you, living and dying for you, setting you free, preparing a place where He can bask in your presence forever when this life is over. You will never be more loved than you are right now, and nothing you do could make Him love you more, or less, than He already does. He is forever yours and you are forever His. That’s His ‘I Do’ to you!

‘Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.’ John 15:13 – NKJV

What a promise ‘I Do’ is! Whether we are committing to a person
or simply being intentional in life, our word should be a cherished commodity.
This month, journey with me in ‘I Do’ moments which are an oath, a vow, a pact,
a pledge, an honorarium.