Inspiring Our Youth: Sydney Helm, Worshipper and Musician

I had the privilege of meeting this young lady when she was much younger and in the kids’ program at church. Over the years, she grew up and we were reacquainted. She is such an anointed worship singer and was able to spend some time with People and Songs as she completed an internship. She is definitely an inspiration to our youth when it comes to following God’s call on your life. Meet Sydney Helm: Worshipper and musician.
Cyndi Kay: Please give us a brief introduction.
Sydney Helm: Hello, I’m Sydney Helm. I am 22 years old and I live in Tahlequah, OK. I’m a Senior at Northeastern State University, pursuing a General Studies degree concentrating in Music, Business, and Organizational Leadership.
CK: Please give us a little background information. Family? Children? Career? Hobbies? Where you are from?
SH: I grew up in Stilwell, OK, and graduated High School in 2016. My mom, Amy, homeschooled myself, and both my younger brother (through HS) and sister (through grade school, she wanted to play sports in HS). I am not married (nor do I have any prospects😉) but I am so blessed with family, friends, pastors, and church family that I get to serve with.
CK: Can you give us a summary on your journey with Christ — from the time you accepted Christ, to how you started in ministry.
SH: I accepted Christ at the age of 6 in a Sparky’s classroom at FBC Stilwell and was baptized in water there. When I began 6th Grade my family started attending New Life Church Stilwell, and I lead worship in the main service starting in 7th Grade. The same year I took on the Impact Youth Band at New Life as well; I served there on both bands, singing, and playing keyboard, for 6 years. After I graduated High School I moved to Tulsa and attended Oral Roberts University for a year. It was in my first semester here that I took a class called ‘Spirit Empowered Living’ and The Holy Spirit revealed Himself to me through His gifts, and I was filled! During that time, I attended, led worship, and was even a summer intern for their youth group.

CK: Can you tell us about People & Songs and how they started? How did you gain employment with them?
SH: People & Songs is a Christian Music Label run by Jennie Lee Riddle. I discovered them through a Facebook ad a friend sent to me in 2014, advertising a Christian songwriting camp that they host at the end of July. I didn’t have the resources to get to that first year of camp, but I haven’t missed a year since! This body of believers is the most amazing, coming from every corner of the faith to sing praises to our Lord! During the week of camp, we produce an entire album of songs to be recorded live on the last day. A tradition that I love is the night before the recording, we have a celebration party of the previous year’s album being released! In July of 2019 while at camp, The Lord challenged me by asking me to stay and serve with People & Songs. The Lord confirmed the word through an invitation from Miss Jennie. I spent 9 months serving with People & Songs and The Emerging Sound Missionaries, helping out on the road, cooking and functioning as the Publishing Administrative Assistant.
CK: What is the most valuable lesson you have learned from working with them?
SH: During my time with them in LaPorte Indiana, I learned to adapt in ministry to any situation: at a youth conference, in Walmart, in front of a congregation, or in our own home. We hosted monthly Ministerial Alliance meetings with a dozen pastors uplifting and encouraging them, as well as ministering to each other on a DAILY basis. The most valuable lesson I learned while there is that we have so much to learn from the people around us if we’ll lay down opinions and offenses and listen.
CK: Will this influence your musical career and ministry?
SH: Absolutely. The Lord gave me a picture of what this looked like in late February: “What do offense and defense have in common? Fence. And what separates land? Fences. If we allow these offenses and defenses to continue to separate us as the Body of Christ, we’ll never have a unified Kingdom. Territory is being stolen from The Kingdom because Christians are afraid to cross the ‘fence’.”
CK: How dramatically has your life changed since you gained your internship with People & Songs?
SH: Gaining the experience of the day in and day out of artistry, ministry, and business were the tools instilled and cultivated during that time of life. I work a normal job and have what most would call a normal life, I just know that I serve an amazing God that allows me to walk through some incredible doors, all for His glory.
CK: Can you recall a time when you know that God was the only way you had a provision through a certain situation?
SH: My physical body has had issues dealing with stress in multiple scenarios. God has been the one and only reason for breakthrough and stress management. He provides constant peace in His presence.

CK: What are some of the biggest challenges facing Christian women artists today — and women ministries?
SH: Flesh, fear, procrastination, and complacency have been some of the biggest factors I’ve seen at work. Our sinful nature partnered with the power of suggestion has caused some of the most detrimental missteps in ministry (not just women’s ministries).
CK: Tell us about a time you had a measurable impact on someone through your personal ministry or through your organized ministry.
SH: There have been several moments throughout the last few years in which I’ve been in leadership over youth (intern, leader, or mentor) that have stuck out. A few specifically, are always when I’m able to relate to a situation that they are dealing with that I can relate to and testify that I overcame. I love seeing the lightbulb moment of knowing that they aren’t alone and that God truly loves and forgives them; then the moment of self-forgiveness that happens.
CK: What inspires you?
SH: I’m inspired by the Gospel. That may sound vague or generic but, to me, it’s the only reason I am good enough to do anything. If I die tomorrow, I’d so much rather be the girl that was known for hearing from God and emulating Jesus than any other thing you could say about me.
CK: How do you unwind after a busy day?
SH: I love getting to cook, crocheting, swimming, or going to the lake and fishing, reading, journaling, or just sitting at the piano.
CK: What is the best advice you have ever been given and by whom?
SH: When I was in 8th grade my mom gave me advice in a situation that I’ve carried with me ever since. She said, “Whatever you’re facing, know that God has you in His hands. And no matter how unbeatable the thing looks, remember that God will always do one of two things with it: He’ll fix it, or He’ll remove it.”
CK: During this tumultuous time, where do you find your peace of mind?
SH: Making intentional time, daily, to pray specifically (for certain things, people, or just in The Spirit). Have hard conversations with God, yourself, and those around you; they could be confrontational or purely to deepen relationships and learn. There is truly no time like the present. Remind yourself to slow down enough to allow grace, peace, joy, and kindness to shine through.
CK: Is there anything else you would like to say? Take this opportunity to promote your own ministry, project, business, or share what God has put on your heart recently.
SH: Discipleship coincides with discipline; you cannot successfully have one without the other. So, don’t be offended by the adjustments required for your betterment, accept the corrections, and continue forward. The refining process in you is for His Glory and the building of His Kingdom.
On behalf of Christian Women Living Magazine, I would like to thank Sydney for taking the time to share with us her story so that the youth of our nation can be inspired to seek God in a way that will bring them where they need to be.