Joy Mathis ChadwickWomen Who Inspire

Women Who Inspire: Anna R. Hernandez

Interview – Anna R. Hernandez, Author of “Look At The Future And Laugh”
Interviewed by Joy Mathis Chadwick

Here’s a glimpse into the life of Anna R. Hernandez, author of “Look At The Future And Laugh”. Anna describes her personal and heartbreaking struggles that have shaped not only her life, but the lives of others. The book review will be found in a new section of Christian Women Living Magazine called “Pages Off The Shelf”.

Author, Anna R. Hernandez with her book, “Look at the Future and Laugh.”

Joy Mathis Chadwick: Will you please introduce yourself to our readers and give us a little background information?
Anna R. Hernandez: I am a Michigan “Midwest” girl learning to live in the big state of Texas. My husband, George, and I are empty-nesters and we recently moved cross-country to be closer to my mother and extended family. Our daughter will soon be graduating from Oral Roberts University.

I’ve spent 18 years in corporate sales and marketing and have sold products ranging from roofing materials, power tools, safety equipment and most recently natural gas engine lubricants.

In my fun time, I enjoy spending time with my friends, bargain shopping, getting a beautiful mani/pedicure and decluttering my life. I love meeting new people and finding common ground where we can share a good laugh and talk about Jesus. I don’t mean to sound “churchy” but getting around other believers who are also desiring more of Jesus just gets me fired up. If we can share a tasty meal or awesome cup of coffee, that’s a bonus.

JMC: Please give us a summary of your journey with Christ — from the time you accepted Christ, to how you started in ministry.
ARH: I came to Christ as a young child. My father was a drug addict and musician that sent my brother and I to church on a church bus Sunday mornings so he could sleep off his hangover. The Lord started working in his heart by the coloring sheets we would bring in. As a first grader the Lord used me to help bring my dad to Christ. I accepted Jesus and was baptized when I was 13.

As a pre-teen I taught migrant children about Jesus during the summers. Years later, my father pastored a church and was instrumental in helping me develop my teaching gift. He asked me to lead the adult Sunday School class. The church was very conservative and some of the members were legalistic, so his decision was controversial because I was a woman and in their belief, I should not be teaching from the pulpit. As I look back, I see how God has opened doors for me in male dominated roles not only in the church but also in the marketplace.
My husband, George, and I travel throughout the U.S and abroad as the Lord opens doors for us to speak in leadership conferences, financial workshops, women’s and men’s conferences, marriage retreats and we host an on-line Leaders for Christ training program.

JMC: When did you first become interested in writing?
ARH: My husband encouraged me to write my first book for many years. He said that the response to my speaking engagements was so positive and the messages the Lord gave me to share needed to reach other people.

I began writing but didn’t really have a plan. As I continued through the process I found myself enjoying it more and more because it was a very personal journey. I discovered that writing brought healing because I had to face painful experiences I had just buried beneath a cover of work.

Years later, I was able to reconnect with my 10th grade English teacher, Shirley Witteborg. She was the first person God used in my life to recognize my writing gift. I remember her pulling me aside after class and hearing her say, “Anna, you really ought to think about writing.”

When I finished my book, I was very nervous about sending her a copy. I was so relieved when she called me to let me know I had done a “good job”.

JMC: What would you tell someone who would like to work as a professional author?
ARH: Believe in the message the Lord has given you to share. Invest in developing your skill set and find a mentor not only to help you through the writing process but also in the marketing of your book. This is a full-time focused process.

JMC: Was the process of becoming a published author what you expected?
ARH: The process of becoming a published author is much more complex than I expected. You need a team to help with the proofreading, editing, formatting of the book, book cover design. I also needed help marketing the message of the book, pricing and figuring out the different digital platforms to distribute the book.

JMC: At what point did you know that you wanted to write on a professional level?
ARH: Honestly, the response I’ve received to my first book has been very positive and encouraging. I am semi-retired and at a point in my life where my desire is to mentor others and develop leaders. Writing allows me to share biblical principles that can bring people hope and discover their God-given purpose.

JMC: You shared some deeply personal information that led to the writing of this book. Please describe how you felt when you were in the beginning stages of the writing process.
ARH: At the beginning of the writing of this book, I felt overwhelmed and I wasn’t sure how everything would come together. I didn’t have a writing plan or deadline, and I wasn’t disciplined. I struggled with feeling “inspired”, finding time to write, and I procrastinated.

JMC: Can you recall a time when you knew that God was the only way you had a provision through a certain situation?
ARH: My father, who was my hero and biggest cheerleader, entered heaven last year. His departure plunged me into a deep level of grief, loss and depression.

My faith in God and the promise of the resurrection has taken on a totally different meaning to me. I began to see our Heavenly Father truly as Abba Father. I thanked Him for the blessing of my earthly father and how he modeled the Father’s love for us. I began to truly understand that Jesus came to heal the broken hearted and He is a man acquainted with sorrow. It was this love from Jesus that healed my heart.
This situation has made me keenly aware as to how short life is and that the only things that truly matter cannot be bought, stored or collected. I want to live the rest of my life with an eternal perspective and truly enjoy whatever time is before me.

JMC: What do you see as some of the biggest challenges facing Christian women authors today — and women ministries?
ARH: My biggest challenge has been distraction. It is easy to be pulled into many different “good” things but leaving the “best” thing.

I have also found that we can be fearful to enter occupations that are traditionally male dominated. We don’t challenge ourselves to take steps into areas that are outside of our comfort zone or we minimize our skill set.

JMC: Do you have a topic for the next book?
ARH: Yes, I actually have three topics that I have outlined. One is a business development book designed to help people win in the marketplace by identifying their niche and applying biblical truths. The second one is a tribute to my father where I will share his biography and also the life lessons he imparted to so many. The third book will be co-authored with my husband, George. It is a fun, easy to understand, and very real look at marriage. We plan to share our life experiences and how God brought us through a very rocky start, battling infertility, financial challenges and we came out victorious through God’s word.

JMC: Would you describe your writing process?
ARH: After the first book, I learned the importance of having an outline that clearly defines what the reader will take away from reading your book. I like to call it “the why”. Why should the reader buy your book? Why should they invest not only their hard earned money to purchase your book but also invest the time to read your book? I am continually praying and asking the Holy Spirit what He wants to say to the readers. I ask for His wisdom to lead me to the resources and references He wants me to use to explain certain concepts.

I will also have a deadline to finish the manuscript. This will keep me from proscratining. It also helps ensure the flow and tone throughout the book is consistent.

In order to publish these books as soon as possible, I will outsource the formatting, book cover design to professionals.

JMC: What inspires you?
ARH: As I said earlier, I love to share the Word of God with others. When I am able to speak to an audience and testify about the goodness of God, I feel alive and like I’m fulfilling my purpose. I’m inspired by the fact that books can reach people I may never meet and that my experiences all work together to bring honor to our Father.

JMC: Is there anything else you would like to say?
ARH: God continues to remind me that He is in control. The days ahead of us may seem dark and uncertain but we need to see things through His perspective. Yes, in this life we all go through struggles but for his church, the bride of Christ, the best is yet to come. He wants to empower us with the Holy Spirit. This happens as we read the scripture and fill our minds with His thoughts. I just want to encourage everyone to look at their lives through the eyes of faith. They will be able to “Look at the Future & Laugh”.

JMC: How can our readers get in touch with you?
ARH: I can be reached via Facebook: Eternal Impact Media Ministries.

JMC: Anna’s book, “Look At The Future And Laugh”, can be found at