Joy Teague Matienzo

I like to call myself an American Citizen of the World. I am Third Culture Kid in a cross-cultural marriage, who spent many years in the Philippines and then went on to do missions as an adult in China, India and Spain. I’m an avid DIYer and up-cycler of whatever wooden thing I come across in the road. But my kids keep telling me that covering everything in a patchwork of pieces of torn up old jeans is no longer cool. I love being part of empowering marginalized women to know and take care of their bodies and make good choices for their families. Teaching English has also been a big part of my life and an instant door opener for friendship and bringing the love of Christ and the Gospel into people’s homes. The Horse and his Boy is my favourite Chronicles of Narnia book and launched my love of Arab and Islamic cultures from the age of 9 when I first read it. Everywhere I have lived I have made it a point to build relationships with Muslim women. Im also a song writer and worship leader and love nothing more than hanging with friends, playing instruments and soaking in God’s presence. And if there’s cafe con leche available that it makes it all the sweeter.