July 15, 2020
In the middle of working on a project having to do with fruit, I began to think about what the Word says about our fruit and gardening. You know we all know that Jesus is the vine and we are the branches. It is through this vine that we are able to bear fruit for those who need love, hope, peace, compassion, and grace. You see, we are not able to produce fruit on our own. We have to have a connection to the Master Gardener, God. He is the one who will “fertilize” the fruit that we have so that it will grow and mature into something that someone else may need.
LadyBug let us stay connected to the vine so that God’s fruit can grow big in us. Let us not do this for our sake, but for the sake of those who do not have the connection to the vine. Stay attached to the Vine and let the fruit grow to maturity through the nutrients from the Gardener. Let our fruit of hope grow for those who are hopeless and our fruit of love for those who feel unloved. And, when you need that fruit of grace and understanding, then may it be found on my branch.
We are all a part of the Vine and the Vine is a part of the Gardener. Let us be the branch that holds the fruit for others in need.
~Cyndi Kay
John 15:1-5
Romans 11:16