Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

June 12, 2020

Many times, we have been told that in order to minister effectively, we must be removed from any hurt that has happened to us in the past. We cannot expect to help others if we are ministering from a place of bitterness. It took me a bit, but man this hit so hard as I sit there and thought about what it truly meant to minister from the hurt. You see LadyBug, we can share knowledge and wisdom we have gained from our experiences, but when we try to share before we have let go of pain and bitterness, we only end up hurting others.
When we are reminded of a pain or offense, we will have 2 different options. We can react with thankfulness because we know that we are healed and ready to share this wisdom. The other option is to react from feelings of bitterness. Leading with bitterness only produces fruit that is full of judgement and self. God doesn’t want us advising someone about how to overcome a struggle by using our feelings of the past to justify our answer.
Let go of the hurt, forgive, and learn to be thankful of the healing and share the wisdom of God’s grace as we go through our struggles. Minister from His love and words.
Matthew 6:12
Mark 11:25
Luke 6:36
Colossians 3:13
Psalm 37:8