June 28, 2020
I was in a season where all I could see about myself was the things that I was not. I wasn’t skinny. I wasn’t pretty. I wasn’t always available. I wasn’t talented enough. Oh, the list goes on and on. So many things that I would look at myself and see. It became such a miserable state of mind for me. I was just one big eye that could only see the lack of who I believed I was. I was so, so wrong.
But I had to finally bind the truth of what God says I am in my heart so that I could always know I was better than what my eyes were seeing. Body shape doesn’t make my heart love Jesus less. My talents aren’t for me anyway so how do I know I am not enough. It’s easy for us to get to focused on what our eyes see. It’s natural to see things. The issue arises when we see those negative things and we focus on them with our mind and even our heart. But my sweet friend, this is NOT what God says about us, and it is definitely not what HE sees. He only sees the beauty of our heart and spirit. He sees the goodness that we have in our souls. This is He knows who we are. The way we see ourselves is the flesh and not the spirit. When we stay focused on the flesh, we lose sight of what we are in God.
Sister let us focus on the red letters that tell us who we are in Christ and stop seeing what lies are in the mirrors of the world. Do not let your eyes dictate the truth of who you are.
~Cyndi Kay
John 1:12
John 15:15
Romans 3:24
Ephesians 1:4
Ephesians 2:10