Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

June 6, 2020

Faith, it is the basis of our hope. It gives us strength when we cannot see the way. We have enough faith to know that God hears our prayers. Faith is not just something we have when we are in need of a way out of a tough struggle. Faith is a way of living and breathing. It is how we believe with our entire being. By living a life engulfed in faith, we are able to walk through the fire and not get burned. How often have you experienced a tough situation and yet, in the end, it worked out better than you expected? That, my LadyBug, is faith. Even if we have the tiniest amount of faith, we will see results in abundance as to our hopes. We must have enough faith to know who God is, why He sent Jesus and where the Holy Spirit resides. You see, it is not us doing any of the miracle of moving a mountain, it is our faith that God will move the mountain.
In one split second of faith, a woman touched the hem of His garment and became healed after 12 years of struggling with an issue of blood. She didn’t wait for Jesus to bid her to come. She didn’t waiver in her faith. She reached, touched, claimed and was healed. By her faith, she knew that if she could only touch him, she would be healed.
Precious Ladybug, know your faith and live in it as you walk through your journey.
Luke 17:6
Matthew 17:20
Matthew 9:20-21