Brittany CrawfordKids Clubhouse

Kids Clubhouse Devotional: July

Independence Day

Welcome to July boys and girls. How is your Summer going? We are about halfway through the season of hot weather. Grilling hot dogs and hamburgers, boat rides, and catching fireflies. There is one important holiday that I would like to talk to you all about today.

What does the 4th of July mean to you? Otherwise known as, Independence Day, July 4th is the day the United States was founded back in 1776. We have come a long way. However, there is another kind of independence that I want to talk about here. It is called the tweenager years. What is a tweenager, you may ask? This is someone who is typically between the ages of nine and twelve; they are not quite yet a teenager, but they are not a little child either. These young people are searching for a place to where they fit in with the rest of the world. Gone are the days of baby dolls and tea parties. Tweenagers today are more interested in clothes and makeup.

Tweenagers may also have a hard time trying to have a relationship with Jesus. Some tweenagers have no problem with this, particularly if they have been going to church all of their life. However, the Middle School years often bring new friendships, and along with those friendships come challenges, such as, relationships with parents and peers, drugs, gender identity, or in some cases, sex. The question is, how does a tweenager handle these challenges in a Godly way?

First, it is important to read the Bible daily. Find a little bit of time each day to dive into God’s word. I call the Bible the instruction book of our life. The Bible gives us suggestions on how tweens can handle everything life throws at them Secondly, find a trusted adult you can talk to. If you have questions, it is important to speak to your parents, a teacher, a Pastor, or anyone in the congregation. These people can help you understand what God wants you to do. Finally, it is important to make time to attend church. One popular excuse among tweens for NOT attending church is, “Sunday is my only day to sleep in.”

I know that many tweens lead busy lives, school, homework, friends, but, go to bed earlier on Saturday night, or invite your friends to go with you.You will feel a sense of peace and understanding that only Jesus can provide. The tween years are confusing for many, but if God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.