Brittany CrawfordKids Clubhouse

Kid’s Clubhouse Devotional: October


“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise-in God I trust and am not afraid. Psalm 56: 3-4. 

What happens when you read this scripture? Change can be hard and scary for anyone, especially our youngsters. Most children have been back at school for about a month now. In that time, children experienced getting to know new teachers, more challenging schoolwork , new friends, and a completely different routine. 

Some children may handle these changes better than others. A new school is often a sign of a fresh start for school-aged children. 

However, there are some changes that are more permanent, such as a move to a new town, house, or school district. These changes can be frightening for children because they had to leave all of their friends from home behind. These children have come into a situation where they do not know anybody. Children may think they do not have anything to offer in their new house, town, or school district. Or, worst of all, they may feel that God is not hearing them when they pray over their new situation. 

Hold on children………….It turns out that God really DOES listen to your prayers………Just maybe not in the ways you would expect.

Nine years ago, I faced moving from my home in Arkansas. I had spent six years caring for an aging grandparent. This task was hard at times, but I couldn’t imagine doing anything else with my life because I lived with my grandma so much. However, one day, it all became too much for me to handle………that’s when God stepped in and I felt Him speaking to me. 

You have done a great job caring for your grandma, but this has become to big to handle on your own.” 

My heart was sad that Grandma and I would be separated a short two months later when she moved to a nursing home in Oklahoma, while I had been taken in by family friends. We missed each other, but I still saw grandma nearly every week. 

Meanwhile, I began to make a life for myself. I had fun going out to eat, going shopping, going to concerts, and volunteering with handicapped children twice a week. 

See, God, helped me through my fear of leaving everything behind in Arkansas. My family…….my friends……the home I had known for ten years. He gave me something to look forward to, as well as helped me discover a talent for helping others who were less fortunate than I was. 

So kids, the morale to this is, even though this new road may seem hard, God always has your back, no matter what.