Daily DiscernMichelle Gott Kim


Are They Being Wasted?

~ He is the God Who salvages all things and allows nothing to go to waste ~

January 20th, 2023

the GOOD, the BAD, the UGLY

Job 13:15, ‘Though He slay me, yet will I hope in Him; I will surely defend my ways to His face.’ (NIV)

Victim: a person who is deceived or cheated, as by his or her own emotions, actions or ignorance, by the dishonesty or injury of others, or by someone or something impersonal.

I spent most of my life being a victim. Sadly, it took me quite some time to admit, I was victimized more by myself than others. You’ve heard said before, we are our own worst enemy, and it is surely true. But often we don’t see it or admit it until much water has swept over our lives, flooding our perceptions and drowning our realities. It is quite easy and less invasive to simply blame others, and thereby, not have to look at our own selves; to require change from someone else rather than ourselves. That was my identity too. I created an address and established a residence with walls formed of blame and doors swinging on hinges of accusation, and there wasn’t a mirror to be found within its confines, causing me to look at myself and my own actions, requiring me to take accountability for the conduct which were mine. It was a very isolated and negative existence, and although I had been hurt by others and I understood the impact of all forms of abuse in my life done to me, I was culpable for many of my own wounds.

What freedom comes when we step out of the darkness and into the light! Not only are we ourselves set free; likewise we set others free who we held captive by our accusations and victimization beliefs and tirades. Unfortunately, some never get there, where they rescue themselves and make reconciliations within themselves toward freedom.

It is a debriefing of the victim inside of us when we can take what occurred in our lives and then use it for God’s glory. I began to see things differently. Like taking the leftovers and not allowing them to go to waste but being put instead to good use. I realized how much slop I was setting aside and hanging onto; how much spoil, how many things in my life had rotted that I was saving as a reminder for justification. Then I started to see also that there really are bad things that happen to good people; you don’t have to embellish things to suffer harm, to have things go bump in the night. It is a fact of life. Just stick to the facts, ma’am. There are atrocities that occur, many allowed by a Holy God. He won’t permit circumstances in our lives to punish us or to abuse us, but I have learned, He also allows the enemy to sift us. True, there are painful, agonizing things which happen in our lives. Satan thinks he can sabotage us, with which he attempts to stab our character and integrity fatally, but God turns it and uses it for growth and glory.

I am proud to no longer be a victim, but I can say wholeheartedly, I will surely hope and trust in Him no matter what He allows that may slay me.

John 6:12-13, ‘When the people had eaten their fill, He said to His disciples, “Gather the LEFTOVERS so nothing is wasted.” They went to work and filled twelve large baskets with LEFTOVERS from the barley loaves.’ (MSG)