Kate NashLove Your Neighbor Challenge

Love Your Neighbor Challenge–Day 3

What does God see when He looks at you? He doesn’t see the mistakes, mis-steps, or misunderstandings. Because of the cross, all he sees is the beautiful person he fashioned and his heart bursts to overflow with love. Step into that stream of love and get connected to Him, the source of love. When your cup overflows with God’s love, it can’t help but spill out all over your friends, family, and neighbors.

This love overflow can’t help but cause a ripple effect with one person after another being affected by the love you show. Isn’t it wonderful to be a part of God’s plan for loving creation?

Join our month-long Love Your Neighbor Challenge! This has the power to change your world.

Check out the blog at He Makes Me New.
Participate in the Facebook group for this challenge.