Daily DiscernME-ssentialsMichelle Gott Kim

ME-ssentials – Insincere – Day Twenty-Five

ESSENTIALS for Me NOT to Be: Insincere

September 26th, 2021

What’s your ESSENTIAL?

Essential: absolutely necessary; indispensable; the essence of a thing; inherent and intrinsic, vital

Just as there are so many ESSENTIALS for me to be, there are just as many ESSENTIALS for me NOT to be. Let’s explore those the other half of this month!

Psalm 15:1-2, ‘Yahweh, who dares to dwell with you? Who presumes the privilege of being close to you, living next to you in your shining place of glory? They are passionate and wholehearted, always sincere and always speaking the truth—for their hearts are trustworthy.’ (TPT)

I found myself looking for myself in the middle of these words. What an honorable person this would be. The Message Bible says this is who gets on God’s guest list. I was wondering if I qualify, am I included? I want to know these people and go with them and be inserted into this list.

But I wonder sometimes does my sincerity fall short. Do I think the right things, and even intend to do the right things, but when it comes right down to it, am I too selfish to give up doing my own thing? Can I consider myself wholehearted, or perhaps am I more often half-hearted, half-vested, half there, lukewarm, lackluster and unimpassioned about what moves the heart of God, and that is the humanity He breathed to life? I have to ask myself, is my heart trustworthy and wholesome and clean, a heart where a triune God can take up residency?

So that brought me to this place where I contemplate the housekeeping needing done within me. If I am going to ask this God to come in and dwell, don’t I owe it to Him to have a nice guesthouse where He can live? It’s not just about the clutter requiring being sorted through but I have some other cleaning to do as well. I mean, the Holy Spirit shouldn’t be relegated to a pit since He desires to bring me out of one, right? Darkness and light cannot co-exist, and neither does the holiness of a holy God cohabitate with evil and sin—in fact, it’s impossible, and goes against the very nature of God to be in the presence of evil. He casts it out; it flees from Him, so if He is coming in, it’s got to go. That’s what He does best, restores the residency in disrepair, rebuilding what the world broke and replacing all the enemy has stolen, recovering all the damage done by the hater of our souls.

Psalm 50:14, ‘Why don’t you bring me the sacrifices I desire? Bring me your true and sincere thanks and show your gratitude by keeping your promises to Me, the Most High.’ (TPT)