Cyndi Kay GreenWomen Who Inspire

Meet Elyssa Nalani Trujillo: Designer and Author of Club 119

I learned of Elyssa Nalani Trujillo on YouTube when I was searching on how to make my own journals and planners. As I followed her content, I became inspired to be a better me. When I was presented with the opportunity to interview this smart and fascinating woman of God, I was elated. Meet Elyssa and read her encouraging words for Christian Women Living Magazine readers.

Cyndi Kay: Please introduce yourself.

Elyssa Nalani Trujillo: I was born and raised in the Chicago suburbs and now I live in Texas with my wonderful husband Steven. I’m the daughter of my awesome parents and an older sister to a pretty cool & quite talented younger brother. I’m a work-at-home wife pursuing entrepreneurship as a writer, teacher, and content creator. I’m a bookworm, planner girl, and music lover and I love traveling with my hubby & hanging out with friends and family.

CK: Can you give us a summary of your journey with Christ ?

ENT: I was blessed to have grown up in a Christian home and amongst family and friends who love Jesus. My parents and grandparents were involved in various aspects of church ministry before I was born so I was raised with ministry being a natural part of life. When I was 12, I accepted Jesus as my Savior and got baptized. I grew up singing in church, and then, as I got older, got more involved in children’s ministry and then public speaking. Staying involved in church has always given me a sense of home and belonging in my Christian walk. I’ve seen the love and community of the church as well as her imperfections and struggles. Through it all, God has shown Himself to be faithful, patient, and the absolute best teacher for life and service. Looking back, I cringe at all the ridiculous and terrible mistakes I’ve made but I see God’s hand gently leading me throughout my formative years. I’m grateful for what my experiences have taught me but every day, I realize how much more I have yet to learn.

CK: What is Club 119 and how did it start? Where do you see it going in the future? Do you see it expanding in a way that others will become a “host” of Club 119?

ENT: I started CLUB 119 as a scripture writing community last summer on my YouTube channel. Our first project was to write through Psalm 119, which is where the club gets its name. It has since grown into a group of women who also want to dig deep in the Word through Bible Study. So, I’ve transitioned into combining both scripture writing and Bible study into 3-month projects that our community can do together.

I have a lot of ideas for the future of CLUB and I’m praying that God will continue to lead and direct. I have no concrete plans yet but I’m excited for what might be possible!

CK: What are some recommendations you would make to setting up a group/Bible study similar to Club 119?

ENT: The best way is to start asking your friends if they’d be interested in doing a Bible study and/or scripture writing project together. Don’t worry about being a Bible expert. This is about gathering a group of friends to learn together. And it doesn’t have to be a large group; two or three is a great start. There are so many great resources out there for good Bible study. My recommendation is to start with Jen Wilkin’s book Women of the Word to give you a good foundation for solid study and then pick a book and go for it!

CK: Tell us about a time that God directly answered a prayer.

ENT: When I was a teenager, I really wanted to be an entrepreneur. Through my college years I knew I didn’t want to work a conventional job and prayed that God would allow me to make a living doing something I loved. I did end up working a few 8-5 gigs during and after college but then God blessed me with a husband who gave me the great privilege of staying at home and working on my dreams. I’ve never known God to work on my timetable and there were years I was frustrated when things weren’t going my way or when doors I was ready to walk through closed unexpectedly. But little by little, through much trial and error and lots of learning, my entrepreneurial dreams are seeing the light of day. They’re not perfect and I have a long way to go to meet some of my goals but I can say that this is 100% God’s grace in answering my prayers and guiding me in His time and in His perfect way.

CK: What inspires you?

ENT: Like I mentioned in the beginning, I love music and I’m a huge book nerd. I love to be surrounded with books on my shelves and my favorite playlists at the ready. I also really like watching what other people are creating and how they’re using their talents for the kingdom.

CK: What are some of the biggest challenges facing women today — and women ministries?

ENT: The answer to this question is deep and broad and could fill an entire article. I think that we live in a society that asks a lot of women and we’re pressured to perform, to compete, to deliver, to look just so, and do all the things all at the same time. The reality is that while God created women as incredibly smart and capable of many things, we can’t do everything all the time. And that’s okay. We crave wholeness and balance and purpose no matter what season of life we’re in. But the world doesn’t furnish us with all the proper tools to cultivate those things. I think that what women need is good solid theology. And I know that might sound like an intimidating word for some, but the truth is everyone has a theology, or a set of beliefs about the nature of God. The question is whether that theology is biblical. When we have a biblical theology planted in our hearts, it informs our worldview and how we interpret the myriad messages we are bombarded with on a daily basis. When our worldview is checked by a right knowledge of God’s nature and character, we know that we are women made in His image and we don’t have to stress about society’s expectations of us. We can create healthy boundaries for ourselves and our families, we can have more peace and surety in our decision making and we can be open and willing to pursue what’s in front of us while still dreaming about our God-ordained futures.

CK: During this tumultuous time, where do you find your peace of mind?

ENT: These past couple of months have been weird and stressful and emotionally draining. But even in the chaos, God has been faithful. I’ve been playing my favorite worship music to boost my mood, saying yes to hanging out with my husband when I’m “supposed” to be working on something else, consuming less social media, still making plans for the future, and verbally recognizing the times when God has brought us through a situation. These are all ways that have all helped me to keep my joy and peace of mind.

CK: What positive changes have you seen at work, church, or home because of this virus?

ENT: Because of the virus, my extended family from all over the country has been meeting on Zoom for family worship one evening every other week. It has been so much fun gathering together even if it’s virtually. I don’t think we would have done it if we hadn’t all been quarantined!

CK: Best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

ENT: I have two pieces of advice — one from my mom and one from my dad. When I was younger, my mother used to tell me to not wish my life away. It’s easy to wish that life would hurry up so you can do the things you’ve been looking forward to. As I’ve gotten older, I wish life would slow down so I can better savor the moments. Needless to say, I have stopped wishing my life away!

My dad would always tell my brother and me to work hard so we can play hard later. This advice rings in my head when I’m working on hard projects or feel like giving up. When I work hard and get things done, I can enjoy guilt-free play time!!

CK: How do you unwind after a busy day?

ENT: My evenings are usually spent hanging out with my husband when he comes home from work. Sometimes we go out on dates or run errands together. I also like to read in the evenings or watch a favorite show.

CK: If you could visit with anyone from the Bible who would it be and why?

ENT: This is a hard question to answer because it’s hard to choose. I think my current go-to answer would have to be the apostle Paul. The Bible is full of great heroes and I’m looking forward to a lot of interesting conversations in heaven but man, I’d love to pick Paul’s brain and ask him questions about ministry and work and how to stay motivated and brave in a crazy world.

On behalf of Christian Women Living Magazine, I would like to thank Elyssa for the opportunity to conduct this interview. She has truly been an inspiration to the members of Club 119, so it is my hope that you find inspiration in this wonderful interview from a beautiful Christian woman who leads with a passion and dreams with the love of Jesus in her heart.